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Welcome to the module catalogue at Warwick. Here you can browse all the modules we’re currently running, search for modules containing a particular word or phrase, or check the details of a module as it was in previous years.

Modules are the building blocks of a course, often running for about a single academic term. Module content and availability may change until the start of summer term of the preceding year.

Module Dept Assessment
IB312-30 (21/22) Project WBS Multiple
IB313-15 (21/22) Business Studies WBS 100% exam
IB313-15 (22/23) Business Studies WBS 100% exam
IB320-15 (20/21) Simulation WBS 40% coursework, 60% exam
IB337-12 (20/21) Business Taxation WBS 100% exam
IB349-15 (22/23) Operational Research for Strategic Planning WBS Multiple
IB352-15 (20/21) Applied Optimization Methods WBS 30% coursework, 70% exam
IB352-15 (22/23) Applied Optimization Methods WBS Multiple
IB352-15 (23/24) Applied Optimization Methods WBS Multiple
IB357-15 (23/24) Investment Management WBS Multiple
IB357-15 (24/25) Investment Management WBS Multiple
IB359-15 (21/22) Derivatives and Risk Management WBS Multiple
IB361-15 (24/25) Equality and Diversity WBS Multiple
IB362-15 (20/21) Managing Human Resources WBS Multiple
IB365-12 (20/21) Marketing Communications WBS 50% coursework, 50% exam
IB368-12 (20/21) International Business Strategy WBS Multiple
IB368-15 (22/23) International Business Strategy WBS 20% coursework, 80% exam
IB368-15 (23/24) International Business Strategy WBS 20% coursework, 80% exam
IB381-12 (21/22) Critical Issues in Management WBS 100% exam
IB381-15 (21/22) Critical Issues in Management WBS Multiple
IB381-24 (22/23) Critical Issues in Management WBS Multiple
IB384-15 (23/24) Supply Chain Management WBS 100% coursework
IB387-15 (21/22) Marketing Strategy WBS 40% coursework, 60% exam
IB388-15 (20/21) International Marketing WBS 50% coursework, 50% exam
IB390-60 (22/23) Year Abroad Portfolio WBS 100% coursework
IB394-12 (20/21) International Financial Management WBS Multiple
IB394-15 (24/25) International Financial Management WBS Multiple
IB396-15 (23/24) Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation WBS 20% coursework, 80% exam
IB3A7-15 (20/21) The Practice of Operational Research WBS 20% coursework, 80% exam
IB3A7-15 (21/22) The Practice of Operational Research WBS 20% coursework, 80% exam
IB3D8-12 (20/21) Corporate Strategy Part A WBS 100% coursework
IB3D8-12 (21/22) Corporate Strategy Part A WBS 100% coursework
IB3F2-15 (20/21) Company Law WBS 100% exam
IB3G4-15 (23/24) Law for Entrepreneurs WBS Multiple
IB3H0-60 (21/22) International Management in Context WBS 100% coursework
IB3H5-12 (22/23) Images of Creativity WBS 100% coursework
IB3H5-15 (22/23) Images of Creativity WBS 100% coursework
IB3H7-15 (23/24) Mergers and Acquisitions WBS 20% coursework, 80% exam
IB3H8-15 (24/25) Leadership WBS Multiple
IB3H9-15 (20/21) Strategic Games: Thinking rationally about business, policy and real life WBS 25% coursework, 75% exam
IB3H9-15 (22/23) Strategic Games: Thinking rationally about business, policy and real life WBS 25% coursework, 75% exam
IB3H9-15 (23/24) Strategic Games: Thinking rationally about business, policy and real life WBS Multiple
IB3H9-15 (24/25) Strategic Games: Thinking rationally about business, policy and real life WBS Multiple
IB3J0-12 (20/21) Behavioural Economics WBS 100% coursework
IB3J0-15 (20/21) Behavioural Economics WBS 100% coursework
IB3J2-15 (23/24) Decision Making Under Uncertainty WBS 30% coursework, 70% exam
IB3J3-15 (23/24) Mathematical Game Theory: Combinatorial and Search Games WBS 100% exam
IB3J8-15 (22/23) Banks and Financial Systems WBS Multiple
IB3J8-15 (23/24) Banks and Financial Systems WBS Multiple
IB3K1-12 (20/21) Global Sourcing & Innovation WBS 100% coursework