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Welcome to the module catalogue at Warwick. Here you can browse all the modules we’re currently running, search for modules containing a particular word or phrase, or check the details of a module as it was in previous years.

Modules are the building blocks of a course, often running for about a single academic term. Module content and availability may change until the start of summer term of the preceding year.

Module Dept Assessment
TH205-30 (21/22) Theatre in the Community SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH205-30 (22/23) Theatre in the Community SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH205-30 (23/24) Theatre in the Community SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH210-15 (22/23) Audience Development and Marketing SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH222-15 (23/24) Theatre in the African Context SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH248-30 (23/24) Ways of Doing SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH249-30 (21/22) You, the Performer: presence and affect SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH249-30 (23/24) You, the Performer: presence and affect SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH251-30 (23/24) Theatre and the Creative Industries SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH252-15 (20/21) Placement (Creative Arts & Cultural Industries) SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH252-15 (21/22) Placement (Creative Arts & Cultural Industries) SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH253-15 (22/23) Politics and Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH256-15 (21/22) Adapting Shakespeare for Performance SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH256-15 (23/24) Adapting Shakespeare for Performance SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH257-30 (23/24) On Its Feet: Approaches to Devising and Developing Ensemble Performance SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 70% coursework, 30% exam
TH260-15 (24/25) Audience Development SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH205-30 (24/25) Theatre in the Community SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH222-15 (24/25) Theatre in the African Context SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH235-30 (20/21) Wired: Video-Making SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH235-30 (23/24) Wired: Video-Making SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH242-30 (23/24) Mad, Bad, and Sad: Madness and Cultural Representation SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH248-30 (20/21) Inter-performance SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH249-30 (22/23) You, the Performer: presence and affect SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH250-15 (21/22) Post-War British Theatre and Social Abjection SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH251-30 (24/25) Theatre and the Creative Industries SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH253-15 (20/21) Politics and Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH253-15 (23/24) Politics and Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH258-30 (23/24) Post-War British Theatre and Social Abjection SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH222-15 (21/22) Theatre in the African Context SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH242-30 (24/25) Mad, Bad, and Sad: Madness and Cultural Representation SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH245-15 (20/21) Immersive SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH245-15 (21/22) Immersive SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH248-30 (22/23) Ways of Doing SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH248-30 (24/25) Ways of Doing SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH249-30 (24/25) You, the Performer: presence and affect SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH251-15 (21/22) Theatre and the Creative Industries SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH255-30 (20/21) Wired: Video Making SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH205-30 (20/21) Theatre in the Community SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH210-15 (20/21) Audience Development and Marketing SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH210-15 (23/24) Marketing for Theatre SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH219-15 (21/22) Writing for Theatre and Performance SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH235-30 (21/22) Wired: Video-Making SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH242-30 (20/21) Mad, Bad, and Sad: Madness and Cultural Representation SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH242-30 (21/22) Mad, Bad, and Sad: Madness and Cultural Representation SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH242-30 (22/23) Mad, Bad, and Sad: Madness and Cultural Representation SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH250-15 (24/25) Post-War British Theatre and Social Abjection SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH251-15 (20/21) Theatre and the Creative Industries SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH251-15 (22/23) Theatre and the Creative Industries SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH251-15 (23/24) Theatre and the Creative Industries SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework
TH256-15 (22/23) Adapting Shakespeare for Performance SCAPVC - Theatre Studies 100% coursework