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SO361-15 Sociology in the Workplace

Undergraduate Level 3
Module leader
Alexander Smith
Credit value
Module duration
36 weeks
100% coursework
Study locations
  • University of Warwick main campus, Coventry Primary
  • Work placement/internship
Introductory description

This module will provide an opportunity for students to complete a 4-week work placement in order to learn about the application of sociological skills in a workplace environment and learn transferable skills relevant to employment beyond their undergraduate studies.

Module aims

The principal aims of this module are:
To prepare students (via seminars, workshops and practice sessions) for consultancy work in sociology during their placement
To enhance students’ range of transferable professional skills for future employment (e.g. CV, job application, cover letter etc.)
To undertake a 4-week work placement

  • To enable students to reflect on the transferable and disciplinary skills gained on the placement, and apply what they have learnt back into the discipline in their third year work
  • To develop students’ professional practice with clients
  • To help students to become familiar with key terms associated with acting as a consultant in sociology
  • To enable students to demonstrate a critical understanding of the role of sociological analysis in the workplace
Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

Prior to embarking on the placement, there will be 2 x 2 hour sessions, in Term 3 of Year 2. Students will also be encouraged to make use of the Careers Skills workshops that will be run for second years in Term 1.

Term 3, Year 2:

  1. Managing client expectations, professional email etiquette, pacing and time management, how to work as part of a team

  2. Managing Self/Professional Networking/Leading/Taking Initiative/etc.


After the placement, there will be two further sessions, 1 x 2 hours and 1 x 4 hours.

Term 1, Year 3:

  1. Reflective Essay

  2. Individual Presentation (4 hour, half day event)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • An understanding of the role of sociological analysis in the workplace and apply academic skills and knowledge in a workplace context
  • A range of transferable professional skills for future employment (e.g. CV, job application, cover letter etc.)
  • An ability to work independently on short work-related tasks and communicate with peers and colleagues in a professional context
Indicative reading list

Bolton, G. (2003) Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development (Sage)
Fanthome, C. (2004) Work Placements - A Survival Guide for Students (Palgrave)
Herbert, I. and Rothwell, A. (2004) Managing Your Placement: A Skills Based Approach (Palgrave)

Subject specific skills

Subject knowledge and understanding
Demonstrate an understanding of sociological analysis in the workplace
Apply academic skills and knowledge in a workplace context
Reflect on their learning experiences within a related workplace
Exhibit a range of skills, experiences and qualities that will enhance their graduate employment opportunities
Undertake and produce a small project report

Key skills (disciplinary)
Reflect on their own and others’ analytical experience and practices
Communicate with peers and colleagues in a professional context
Work independently on short work-related tasks, to set deadlines
To use research tools gained throughout the degree in a non-academic setting
Solve problems creatively and independently
Follow instructions within a work place context
Manage time effectively

Cognitive Skills
Reflect on a work setting and their own personal and professional development
Reflect on their own and others’ analytical experience and practices
Formulate questions and engage in problem-solving

Transferable skills

Make decisions in teams and independently
Articulate how higher education study has enhanced employability and their own career development
Experience with sociological research skills within a work place environment
Communicate data practices with colleagues
Present sociological analysis in a clear and useful way for a particular purpose

Study time

Type Required Optional
Seminars 3 sessions of 2 hours (4%) 1 session of 4 hours
Other activity 30 minutes (0%)
Placement 40 hours (27%)
Private study 13 hours 30 minutes (9%)
Assessment 90 hours (60%)
Total 150 hours
Private study description

Reading for seminars
Preparation for seminars
Preparation of presentations
Preparation and writing of formative work
Preparation and writing of summative work
Other work related to assessment

Other activity description

2 x 30 minutes personal tutorial


Category Description Funded by Cost to student
Field trips, placements and study abroad

Some costs will be involved, for public transport to attend the workplace in which the placement is held. (Placements will be identified in the West Midlands for ease of access from campus.)

Student £100.00

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Students can register for this module without taking any assessment.

Assessment group A1
Weighting Study time
Reflective essay 60% 50 hours

This will be submitted after the placement, at the end of Term 1 of Year 3. The esay must demonstrate ability to connect sociological analysis and theory to practice in a work environment and to clearly communicate the findings and the analytical task of the working experience.

Individual presentation about the placement 40% 40 hours

This will be delivered during the four-hour (half-day) seminar in Term 1 of Year 3. The poster must demonstrate ability to connect sociological analysis and theory to practice in a work environment and to clearly communicate the findings and the analytical task of the working experience.

Feedback on assessment

Students will receive detailed written feedback on their essay and their presentation via Tabula.


The pre-requisite modules must be completed with a 2.2 average overall. Students for the module will also be interviewed by a panel of staff members (including the module leader) as part of the selection for the module.

To take this module, you must have passed:


This module is Optional for:

  • Year 3 of USOA-L300 Undergraduate Sociology