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PH353-15 Independent Project

Undergraduate Level 3
Module leader
Thomas Crowther
Credit value
Module duration
23 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

This module offers students the opportunity to write a longer essay, typically during the course of one term, on a specialist philosophical topic of their choice. Registration for the module is dependent on the availability of a suitable supervisor. Agreement of supervision arrangements for the independent project follows the same procedures as those used for agreement of supervision arrangements for dissertations. Students must find a supervisor and agree a topic with him or her during the summer term of their penultimate year, which will be followed by three supervision sessions in the final year, which guide the student’s independent work on the essay.

Module aims

To provide students with the opportunity to study one particular topic in Philosophy at some depth in supervised independent research

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

Students may choose their own subject.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Students should be able to understand and discuss at some depth a particular topic, problem or theory in philosophy.
  • Students should be able to research the relevant literature, draw up a plan of work, and present their arguments in a clear way.
  • Students should be able to isolate the important claims within readings, understand the structure of arguments, test views for strengths and weaknesses, make pertinent use of examples, and compare the substance of views consistently.
  • Students should be able to pursue and organize philosophical research using a range of sources (print and electronic media), documenting research carefully, and showing the ability to engage independently in philosophical debate.
Research element

Students will be required to complete their own research on a subject of their choice.

Subject specific skills

Students should be able to pursue and organize philosophical research using a range of sources (print and electronic media), documenting research carefully, and showing the ability to engage independently in philosophical debate.

Transferable skills

Independent research and writing

Study time

Type Required
Project supervision 3 sessions of 1 hour (2%)
Private study 147 hours (98%)
Total 150 hours
Private study description

Independent research and writing.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A4
Weighting Study time
Essay 100%

5000 word essay

Feedback on assessment

Feedback on essays will be provided on the coversheet for the essay, addressing standard areas of evaluation and individual content.

Anti-requisite modules

If you take this module, you cannot also take:

  • PH313-30 Dissertation
  • PH385-30 Philosophy and Literature Dissertation
  • PH386-15 Philosophy and Literature Independent Project
  • PH3A8-30 PPL Dissertation
  • PH3B2-30 PPE Dissertation


This module is Optional for:

  • UPHA-L1CA Undergraduate Economics, Psychology and Philosophy
    • Year 3 of L1CA Economics, Psychology and Philosophy
    • Year 3 of L1CC Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (Behavioural Economics Pathway)
    • Year 3 of L1CC Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (Behavioural Economics Pathway)
    • Year 3 of L1CD Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (Economics with Philosophy Pathway)
    • Year 3 of L1CE Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (Philosophy and Psychology Pathway)
  • UPHA-L1CB Undergraduate Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of L1CG Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (Behavioural Economics Pathway) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of L1CH Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (Economics with Philosophy Pathway) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of L1CJ Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (Philosophy and Psychology Pathway) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of L1CB Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of L1CB Economics, Psychology and Philosophy (with Intercalated Year)
  • UHIA-V1V8 Undergraduate History and Philosophy (with Year Abroad and a term in Venice)
    • Year 3 of V1V8 History and Philosophy (with Year Abroad and a term in Venice)
    • Year 4 of V1V8 History and Philosophy (with Year Abroad and a term in Venice)
  • Year 3 of UHIA-V1V7 Undergraduate History and Philosophy (with a term in Venice)
  • UPHA-V700 Undergraduate Philosophy
    • Year 3 of V700 Philosophy
    • Year 3 of V700 Philosophy
  • Year 4 of UPHA-V701 Undergraduate Philosophy (wiith Intercalated year)
  • Year 4 of UPHA-V702 Undergraduate Philosophy (with Work Placement)
  • Year 4 of UPHA-VL80 Undergraduate Philosophy with Psychology (with Work Placement)
  • UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics
    • Year 3 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
    • Year 3 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
    • Year 3 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
  • Year 4 of UPHA-V7MM Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics (with Intercalated year)

This module is Unusual option for:

  • Year 3 of UPHA-L1CA Undergraduate Economics, Psychology and Philosophy
  • UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics
    • Year 2 of V7MR Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major)
    • Year 2 of V7MR Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major)
    • Year 2 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
    • Year 2 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
    • Year 2 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
    • Year 3 of V7MR Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major)
    • Year 3 of V7MR Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major)
    • Year 3 of V7MP Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite)
    • Year 3 of V7MP Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite)
  • UPHA-V7MM Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics (with Intercalated year)
    • Year 4 of V7MS Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of V7MS Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of V7MQ Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite) with Intercalated Year
    • Year 4 of V7MM Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite) (with Intercalated year)
  • UPHA-V7MW Undergraduate Politics, Philosophy and Law
    • Year 2 of V7MW Politics, Philosophy and Law
    • Year 2 of V7MW Politics, Philosophy and Law
    • Year 3 of V7MW Politics, Philosophy and Law
    • Year 3 of V7MW Politics, Philosophy and Law
  • Year 4 of UPHA-V7MX Undergraduate Politics, Philosophy and Law (with Intercalated Year)

This module is Core option list A for:

  • UMAA-GV17 Undergraduate Mathematics and Philosophy
    • Year 3 of GV17 Mathematics and Philosophy
    • Year 3 of GV17 Mathematics and Philosophy
    • Year 3 of GV17 Mathematics and Philosophy

This module is Core option list C for:

  • Year 4 of UMAA-GV19 Undergraduate Mathematics and Philosophy with Specialism in Logic and Foundations

This module is Core option list F for:

  • UMAA-GV18 Undergraduate Mathematics and Philosophy with Intercalated Year
    • Year 4 of GV18 Mathematics and Philosophy with Intercalated Year
    • Year 4 of GV18 Mathematics and Philosophy with Intercalated Year

This module is Option list A for:

  • Year 3 of UPHA-VL78 BA in Philosophy with Psychology
  • Year 4 of UPHA-VL79 BA in Philosophy with Psychology (with Intercalated year)
  • UMAA-GV17 Undergraduate Mathematics and Philosophy
    • Year 3 of GV17 Mathematics and Philosophy
    • Year 3 of GV17 Mathematics and Philosophy
    • Year 3 of GV17 Mathematics and Philosophy
  • UMAA-GV18 Undergraduate Mathematics and Philosophy with Intercalated Year
    • Year 4 of GV18 Mathematics and Philosophy with Intercalated Year
    • Year 4 of GV18 Mathematics and Philosophy with Intercalated Year

This module is Option list B for:

  • Year 2 of UHIA-V1V5 Undergraduate History and Philosophy
  • Year 3 of UPHA-VQ72 Undergraduate Philosophy and Literature
  • Year 4 of UPHA-VQ73 Undergraduate Philosophy and Literature with Intercalated Year

This module is Option list C for:

  • Year 3 of UHIA-V1V5 Undergraduate History and Philosophy
  • Year 4 of UHIA-V1V6 Undergraduate History and Philosophy (with Year Abroad)
  • UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics
    • Year 3 of V7MP Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite)
    • Year 3 of V7MP Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite)
    • Year 3 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
    • Year 3 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
    • Year 3 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
  • UPHA-V7MM Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics (with Intercalated year)
    • Year 4 of V7MS Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of V7MS Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of V7MQ Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite) with Intercalated Year
    • Year 4 of V7MM Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite) (with Intercalated year)

This module is Option list D for:

  • Year 3 of UHIA-V1V5 Undergraduate History and Philosophy
  • Year 4 of UHIA-V1V6 Undergraduate History and Philosophy (with Year Abroad)
  • UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics
    • Year 3 of V7MR Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major)
    • Year 3 of V7MR Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major)