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WM9K7-15 Intelligent Organisations

Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Julian Amey
Credit value
Module duration
5 days
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

Markets, technology and the political environment are changing more than ever before. Organisations - and their leaders - need to be agile, adaptive and intelligent to survive and thrive.

This module gives leaders, and those aspiring to leadership positions, what they need to understand and act effectively in a world that is increasingly 'digital’ and ‘connected’ – recognising the impact this has on existing ‘physical’ assets, and on the ultimate asset of any organisation, ‘people’.

The module addresses the challenges facing organisations as they move into an increasingly complex world. It is designed to give participants what they need to make sense of a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.

Module web page

Module aims

Markets, technology and the political environment are changing more than ever before. Organisations - and their leaders - need to be agile, adaptive and intelligent to survive and thrive.

This module gives leaders, and those aspiring to leadership positions, the knowledge and skills to understand and act effectively in a world that is increasingly 'digital’ and ‘connected’ – recognising the impact this has on existing ‘physical’ assets, and on the ultimate asset of any organisation, ‘people’.

It addresses how to be effective in this complex environment; how to turn strategy into action at a pace that is now needed, with direct feedback and 'course correction'; how organisations are changing with increased digitisation; how to innovate effectively, to avoid being submerged by successive waves of change; how governance is ‘embodied’ in day-to-day organisational life; and how to manage – intelligently – the complex, dynamic mix of ‘people’, ‘information’ and ‘new ways of working’ that define the value of any modern organisation.

The module is designed to give participants the knowledge and skills to make sense of a complex and changing world - and more importantly, the ability to apply what they have learned in practice, to their own teams and their own organisation.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

  • Understanding and designing intelligent organisations of the future
  • Innovation & competitive performance
  • Systems thinking
  • Technology masterclasses
  • Digital intelligence
  • Knowledge management & decision making
  • Managing the complexity of innovation, compliance, governance & risk
  • Total quality management & Performance excellence
  • Case study
  • Guest speakers
Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Reflect on and interpret factors driving increased complexity, and discuss the types of intelligence, including innovative business structures and business models that are needed to respond to this.
  • Apply relevant tools, techniques, theories and models to gain a 'situational' perspective of an organisation, with the aim of optimising efficiency, and making effective and sustainable improvements.
  • Critically evaluate the growing role of digital technologies, and demonstrate the need for a holistic and connected approach to their integration in intelligent organisations.
  • Creat opportunities for innovation, demonstrating how to add value and deliver measurable business impact to an organisation.
Indicative reading list

Rowles, D and T. Brown, - Building Digital Culture: A Practical Guide to Successful Digital Transformation, Kogan Page, 2017, ISBN: 978-074947965-7

Lancelott, M, Gutierrez, M and A. Campbell, Operating Model Canvas (OMC); Aligning Operations and Organization with Strategy , Van Haren Publishing, 2017, ISBN: 978-940180071-6

Keely, L, Pikkel, R. Quinn, B. and H. Waters, Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs, Wiley Publishing, 2013, ISBN: 978-111850424-6

Rowan, D, Non-Bullshit Innovation: Radical Ideas from the World’s Smartest Minds, Transworld Digital, 2019, ISBN: 9781787631182

Hennig, N, Keeping Up with Emerging Technologies: Best Practices for Information Professionals, Libraries Unlimited. 2017, ISBN-13: 978-1440854408

Collins, J., Good to Great, Random House Business Books, 2001, ISBN: 978-0712676090

Senge, P., The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation, Random House, 2006, 978-1905211203

Schilling, R.A., Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 2013, ISBN: 978-1259539060

Bicheno, J. and Hollweg, M., The Lean Toolbox 5th Edition, 2016, ISBN: 978-0956830763

Jones, D. and Womack,J., Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, 2003, ISBN: 978-0743231640

Hunter, Muller, Future State 2025, 2020, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-57481-1

Subject specific skills
  • Horizon scanning
  • Visioning
  • Systems thinking: big picture thinking & techniques
  • Practical implementation of strategy
  • Importance of and influencing culture & behaviours
  • Creating a business case for change
  • Improvement techniques and quality management
Transferable skills
  • Communication - verbal and written, including use of video media
  • Systems thinking capability
  • Analytical skills
  • Strategic thinking
  • Collaborative group working
  • Technology aware
  • Apply governance and compliance frameworks
  • Development and application of an operating model

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 3 sessions of 1 hour 30 minutes (3%)
Seminars 9 sessions of 1 hour (6%)
Tutorials 3 sessions of 30 minutes (1%)
Practical classes (0%)
Supervised practical classes 10 sessions of 1 hour 30 minutes (10%)
Online learning (scheduled sessions) 10 sessions of 1 hour (7%)
Online learning (independent) 20 sessions of 1 hour (13%)
Private study 30 hours (20%)
Assessment 60 hours (40%)
Total 150 hours
Private study description

Pre-work involving preparation and interviews with 2 business leaders and posting into Module Forum, and reviewing posts of colleagues and commenting.
Learning how to create a VLOG for assignment
Reviewing case study material as pre-read.
Reading from suggested course list both to learn and support PMA.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A
Weighting Study time
Case Study 20% 6 hours

The Case Study is a piece of groupwork on redesigning a Publishing Company that runs through the module. It represents 20% of the module marks and comprises:
10% in-module assessment for Syndicate presentation of new business model
10% in-module and post-module development and write-up of business case and action plan
The in-module assessment consists of a 12 minute group presentation on their proposed future state for the business.
The post-module Business Case and Action Plan can be presented in a variety of ways:

  • a written report in WORD or PDF
  • a PowerPoint presentation
  • a video presentation of ~10 minutes
    Syndicate Group size is typically 5 to 6 members so work and writing will be shared across the team.
Post Module Assignment (PMA) written 70% 45 hours

Post-module written assignment that will typically look at applying the learning from the module in the student's work area.

Post Module Assignment (PMA) Video Log 10% 9 hours

10% 5 minute vlog
Students are required to create a 3–5 minute video explaining how, using the learnings from the module, they will address one of the company issues identified during their module pre-work. Some time is allocated for learning about VLOGs in Independent learning. (Although described as 'Film Production', the main focus in marking the VLOGs will be on the content of video essay with much lower emphasis on production values.)

Feedback on assessment

Immediate oral feedback will be provided after case studies / practical workshops, which will be focussed upon the learning targets of each session. Feedback will also be provided to any questions which arise from students both via Moodle and the in-module seminars.

Written feedback will be provided on the case study reports.

Written feedback will be provided for the Post-Module Assignment components. This feedback will be focussed upon the strengths and weaknesses of the work with regard to the module learning objectives and the post-module assignment marking guidelines. Suggestions for improvement will also be provided.

In addition, students will be required to complete pre-work that includes viewing a series of short videos about different new and emerging technologies that will impact the future world or work. Students will be expected to PASS a short quiz relating to the technologies presented.

Much of the lecture content will provided as a series of videos and presentations. These will be complemented by seminars during the week of the module. To support their learning and confirm that students have followed the lecture content, students will need to complete and submit a Workbook.


This module is Core for:

  • EWMS-H1X9 Postgraduate Taught Engineering Business Management (Degree Apprenticeship)
    • Year 1 of H1X9 Engineering Business Management (DA)
    • Year 1 of H1T3 WMG Engineering Business Management (Part-time)
  • EWMS-H1B3 Postgraduate Taught Managing in Technology Based Industries (Degree Apprenticeship)
    • Year 1 of H1B4 Managing in Technology Based Industries
    • Year 1 of H1B4 Managing in Technology Based Industries
    • Year 1 of H1B3 Managing in Technology Based Industries (DA)
  • Year 1 of EWMS-H7BJ Postgraduate Taught Supply Chain and Logistics Management (Degree Apprenticeship)