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IB368-15 International Business Strategy

Warwick Business School
Undergraduate Level 3
Module leader
Amit Kumar
Credit value
Module duration
10 weeks
20% coursework, 80% exam
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry

Introductory description

This is an elective module available for WBS and non-WBS students.

To provide an overview of the internationalisation process from the perspective of both MNEs from developed economies and emerging economies.
To understand the wider context of globalization and geo-political shifts within which International businesses operate.
To explore how international firms compete and the importance of innovation/R&D.
To explore the relationship between strategy and structure as firms internationalise.
To provide a distinct understanding of the differences between domestic and international business in particular the role of national and organisational culture and risk assessment when crossing borders.
To understand multinational firms’ R&D strategy and structure, and how an industry’s geography of innovation affects firms’ economy-selection and entry choices.
To provide a thorough understanding of the strategic challenges that the top managers in multinational firms face and the choices that they make.

Module web page

Module aims

To provide an overview of the internationalisation process from the perspective of both MNEs from developed economies and emerging economies.
To understand the wider context of globalization and geo-political shifts within which International businesses operate.
To explore how international firms compete and the importance of innovation/R&D.
To explore the relationship between strategy and structure as firms internationalise.
To provide a distinct understanding of the differences between domestic and international business in particular the role of national and organisational culture and risk assessment when crossing borders.
To understand multinational firms’ R&D strategy and structure, and how an industry’s geography of innovation affects firms’ economy-selection and entry choices.
To provide a thorough understanding of the strategic challenges that the top managers in multinational firms face and the choices that they make.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

  • Introduction to international business strategy.
  • Managing across cultures.
  • Internationalization process.
  • Cross-border M&A and international joint ventures.
  • Multinational strategy and structure.
  • Innovation strategy in multinational firms.
  • Competing in emerging markets.
  • Competing with multinational firms from emerging markets.
  • Corporate social responsibilities.
  • Revision session.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Understanding key issues that top management in multinational firms face.
  • Generating intuition about how decisions should be taken.
  • Understanding concepts, theories and analytical frameworks that help decision-makers make choices in multinational firms.
  • Critical analysis.
  • Spotting deeper organizational and strategic problems and arriving at solutions.

Indicative reading list

Jedrzej George Frynas and Kamel Mellahi. (2015) Mellahi. Global Strategic Management, Third Edition, Oxford University Press.
Additional Background Reading:
Bartlett, C.A., Ghoshal, S. and Beamish, P. (2008) Transnational Management: Text, Cases and Readings in Cross-Border Management (5th Ed.)
Irwin McGraw- Hill Rugman, A.M. and Brewer, T.L. (eds) (2001) The Oxford Handbook of International Business, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Rugman, A. M. and Collinson, S. (2009) International Business (5th Ed.), Financial Times, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, Harlow.

Subject specific skills

Strategic decision-making in context of international organizational and operational contexts.
Use of analytical frameworks in context of Int Bus Strategy.

Transferable skills

Problem-solving and analytical skills (case analysis).
Presentation skills.

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 10 sessions of 2 hours (13%)
Seminars 9 sessions of 1 hour (6%)
Private study 48 hours (32%)
Assessment 73 hours (49%)
Total 150 hours

Private study description

Private Study.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group D2
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Group Work (15 CATS) 20% 15 hours No

Group case study analysis and presentation with slide deck.

Reassessment component
Individual Assignment Yes (extension)
Assessment component
Online Examination 80% 58 hours No


~Platforms - AEP

  • Online examination: No Answerbook required
Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment

Feedback via My.WBS.

Past exam papers for IB368


Students should have studied a module on strategy at a previous level eg EC229 Economics of Strategy.


This module is Optional for:

  • UIBA-MN34 Law and Business Four Year (Qualifying Degree)
    • Year 3 of MN34 Law and Business Studies Four Year (Qualifying Degree)
    • Year 4 of MN34 Law and Business Studies Four Year (Qualifying Degree)
  • UECA-3 Undergraduate Economics 3 Year Variants
    • Year 3 of L100 Economics
    • Year 3 of L116 Economics and Industrial Organization
  • UECA-4 Undergraduate Economics 4 Year Variants
    • Year 4 of L103 Economics with Study Abroad
    • Year 4 of LM1H Economics, Politics & International Studies with Study Abroad
    • Year 4 of L114 Industrial Economics with Study in Europe
  • Year 3 of UECA-LM1D Undergraduate Economics, Politics and International Studies
  • Year 3 of UIBA-MN31 Undergraduate Law and Business Studies
  • UIBA-MN32 Undergraduate Law and Business Studies
    • Year 3 of MN32 Law and Business Studies (Four-Year)
    • Year 4 of MN32 Law and Business Studies (Four-Year)
  • Year 5 of UIBA-MN37 Undergraduate Law and Business Studies (Qualifying Degree) with Intercalated Year
  • UIBA-MN35 Undergraduate Law and Business Studies with Intercalated Year (3+1)
    • Year 3 of MN35 Law and Business Studies with Intercalated Year (3+1)
    • Year 4 of MN35 Law and Business Studies with Intercalated Year (3+1)
  • Year 5 of UIBA-MN36 Undergraduate Law and Business Studies with Intercalated Year (4+1)
  • USTA-G300 Undergraduate Master of Mathematics,Operational Research,Statistics and Economics
    • Year 3 of G300 Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics
    • Year 4 of G300 Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics
  • Year 3 of UMAA-GL11 Undergraduate Mathematics and Economics
  • Year 4 of UECA-GL12 Undergraduate Mathematics and Economics (with Intercalated Year)

This module is Unusual option for:

  • Year 3 of UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics

This module is Option list A for:

  • Year 3 of UESA-HN12 BEng Engineering Business Management
  • Year 3 of UESA-HN15 BEng Engineering Business Management
  • Year 4 of UESA-HN13 BEng Engineering Business Management with Intercalated Year

This module is Option list B for:

  • Year 3 of USTA-Y602 Undergraduate Mathematics,Operational Research,Statistics and Economics

This module is Option list G for:

  • Year 2 of UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics