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IB263-15 Design Thinking for Digital Innovation

Warwick Business School
Undergraduate Level 2
Module leader
Mareike Mohlmann
Credit value
Module duration
9 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry

Introductory description


Module web page

Module aims

The main aim of this module is to offer a broad perspective on design thinking and digital innovation. More specifically, students will:

  • Assess frameworks for understanding innovation in digital service and product settings.
  • Explore the organising logic of digital innovation and its implications for managing digital ventures.
  • Consider design as a tool for technological innovation.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

The main aim of this module is to offer a broad perspective on design thinking and digital innovation.
The sessions cover:

  • Introduction and key concepts
  • Design thinking
  • Digital innovation practice and cases
  • Designing open innovation processes
  • Designing digital innovations: design inquiry and field study techniques
  • Design workshops
  • Managing and scaling digital innovations
    The teaching consists of lectures and seminars. The module gives the opportunity for students to generate a digital innovation concept with strategic potential by using design inquiry techniques. The design inquiry will include a minor ethnographic field study, design workshops, use of qualitative analysis techniques, and concept assessment.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Understand the organising logic of digital innovation and its implications for managing and designing digital ventures.
  • Understand frameworks for innovation in digital service and product settings.
  • Understand design as a tool for technological innovation.
  • Choose and apply relevant theoretical frameworks to analyse specific cases.

Indicative reading list

Boland, R.J., and Collopy, F. 2004a. "Design Matters for Management," in: Managing as Designing, R.J. Boland and F. Collopy (eds.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, pp. 3-18.
Boland, R. J., and Fred Collopy. 2004b "Toward a design vocabulary for management." Managing as designing (2004): 265-276.
Felin, T., and Zenger, T.R. 2014. "Closed or Open Innovation? Problem Solving and the Governance Choice," Research Policy (43:5), pp. 914-925.
Kolko, J. 2015. "Design Thinking Comes of Age," Harvard Business Review (September), pp 66-71.
Liedtka, J., and Ogilvie, T. 2010. "Ten Tools for Design Thinking " Darden Business Publishing (Case: UVA-BP-0550 ).
Martin, R. 2009. "Transforming the Corporation: The Design of Procter & Gamble - How Design Thinking Turned the Business Around " Harvard Business Case (Case: 5502BC The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking Is the Next Competitive Advantage).
Morgan, L., and Finnegan, P. 2014. "Beyond Free Software: An Exploration of the Business Value of Strategic Open Source," The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (23:3), pp. 226-238.
Quah, D. 2003. "Digital Goods and the New Economy," in New Economy Handbook, D. Jones (ed.). Academic Press Elsevier Science, pp. 289-321.
Saebi, T., and Foss, N.J. 2014. "Business Models for Open Innovation: Matching Heterogeneous Open Innovation Strategies with Business Model Dimensions," European Management Journal (33:3), pp. 201-213.
Thomke, S., and Feinberg, B. 2009. "Design Thinking and Innovation at Apple " Harvard Business Case (Case: 9-609-066 ).
Yoo, Y., Henfridsson, O., and Lyytinen, K. 2010. "The New Organizing Logic of Digital Innovation: An Agenda for Information Systems Research," Information Systems Research (21:4), pp 724-735.
Yoo, Y., and Kim, K. 2015. "How Samsung Became a Design Powerhouse," Harvard Business Review (September), pp 72-78.

Subject specific skills

To review key challenges in effectively design digital innovations.
To be able to present a technology proposal, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of designs leading to a balanced view and recommendation.

Transferable skills

Learn how to conduct design inquiry.
Demonstrate written and oral communication skills.

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 10 sessions of 2 hours (13%)
Seminars 9 sessions of 1 hour (6%)
Private study 48 hours (32%)
Assessment 73 hours (49%)
Total 150 hours

Private study description

Private Study.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A1
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Individual Assignment 70% 44 hours Yes (extension)
Reassessment component is the same
Assessment component
Group Project 30% 29 hours No
Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment

Individual written feedback Oral and written feedback for design project.


This module is Optional for:

  • Year 2 of UECA-3 Undergraduate Economics 3 Year Variants
  • Year 2 of UECA-LM1D Undergraduate Economics, Politics and International Studies

This module is Unusual option for:

  • Year 3 of UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics

This module is Option list G for:

  • Year 2 of UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics