EQ205-15 Professional Identity and Skills: Work-Based Placement
Introductory description
This module gives you the opportunity to hone your professional skills and career aspirations through an education-based work-based placement. In taught sessions you will explore the professional characteristics of organisations who work with children, young people and their families in an educational capacity. This will include investigating the staffing and leadership structures of example organisations, their policies, their modes of work, professional roles and conduct. In addition, the role of reflective practice in professional development will be examined from both theoretical and practical angles. You will be given support with organising your placement, which can be in a location of your choice (however, approval must be gained from the module leader who must see a clear connection between the work of your chosen organisation and the concept of ‘education’) or may be based with one of CES’ key partners. CES placement partners consist of organisations that deliver both formal and informal education in a variety of contexts (i.e. schools, hospitals, charities, children’s centres, sports organisations, youth theatres, community organisations)
Module aims
- To investigate the practicalities of working with adults, young people and children in professional settings.
- To explore the role of professionals in services and organisations whose focus is working with children, young people or adults
- To relate the workplace experience to personal and professional development
- To investigate the role of reflection in the improvement and development of places of work, leadership structures and in the recognition and promotion of best practice
- To connect personal roles to wider debates relating to childhood, education and society
- To develop professional skills relating to future career paths and employability.
Outline syllabus
This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.
This module will provide students with the opportunity to develop their personal and professional skills through a work-based placement.
It will begin by exploring various characteristics of organisations involved with children, young people and their families. This will include investigating the structure of these organisations, policies and modes of work, professional roles and conduct. In addition, the role of reflection from both theoretical and practical angles will be examined.
The placement will form the middle section of the module, with students completing directed tasks during this time and maintaining a reflective journal.
The module will conclude by bringing together the first and second parts through a focus on the completion of a reflective portfolio and careers oriented tasks, including CV creation, mock interviews and job application guidance.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the module, students should be able to:
- Develop practical experience of working in a professional setting
- Develop the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision-making
- Develop existing skills and acquire new knowledge and competences that will enable students to take significant responsibility within organisations
- Through engaging in reflective practice, demonstrate an understanding of the limits of their own knowledge and how this influences their analyses and interpretations
- Effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms to specialist and non-specialist audiences (e.g. to peers; to colleagues; to prospective employers)
- Critically evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems in institutions that work with children, young people and families
Indicative reading list
- Schon, D., 1995, The Reflective Practitioner. Aldershot, Arena
- Paige-Smaith, A. and Craft,A. (eds) 2011, Developing reflective practice in the early years. Buckingham, Open University Press.
- Reed,M. and Canning, N. (eds), 2010, Reflective practice in the early years. London, Sage.
- Smith, K., Clegg, S., Lawrence, E. and Todd, M.J., The challenges of reflection: Students learning from work placements. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 44:2 (2007) pp 131-141
View reading list on Talis Aspire
Subject specific skills
the underlying values, theories and concepts relevant to education
- the diversity of learners and the complexities of the education process
- the complexity of the interaction between learning and local and global contexts, and the extent to which participants (including learners and teachers) can influence the learning process
- the societal and organisational structures and purposes of educational systems, and the possible implications for learners and the learning process
- constructively critique theories, practice and research in the area of education.
- apply multiple perspectives to early childhood issues, recognising that early childhood studies involves a range of research methods, theories, evidence and applications
- integrate ideas and findings across the multiple perspectives in early childhood studies and recognise distinctive early childhood studies approaches to relevant issues
- evaluate competing positions in relation to the construction of babies and young children and childhood by different subjects, societal agents and time, place and culture
- constructively critique theories, practice and research in the area of child development
- demonstrate knowledge and awareness of the skills needed for different pedagogical approaches, including:
o the necessary depth and strength of relationships with individual children and children in groups, and the facilitation of the building of relationships with and between children
o the formation and promotion of mutually respectful relationships with families, colleagues, other professionals and communities
critically explore, examine and evaluate the significance of the cultural, historical and contemporary features of various policies, institutions and agencies in regard to babies, young children and childhood
- plan for, and where appropriate implement, play and the curriculum, assessment, evaluation and improvement of creative learning opportunities, taking account of young children's health and emotional well-being
- lead, support and work collaboratively with others and demonstrate an understanding of working effectively in teams with parents, carers and other professionals
- produce critical arguments for improvements to multi-agency and multi-professional practices for babies and young children
- use skills of observation and analysis in relation to aspects of the lives of babies and young children
- reflect upon the ethics of studying babies and young children and their families and communities
- demonstrate a critical understanding of the interrelationships between political, economic, cultural and ideological contexts in the lives of children and their families and communities
- recognise and challenge inequalities in society, and embrace an anti-bias approach
Transferable skills
Active listening
- Analysis and decision making
- Attitudes and aptitudes for work
- Character/personality
- Cognitive flexibility
- Common sense
- Communication skills
- Complex problem solving
- Confidence
- Coordinating with others
- Creativity
- Critical thinking
- Emotional intelligence
- Initiative and also follow instructions
- Intellectual ability
- International cultural awareness
- Interpersonal and communication
- Judgement and decision making
- Knowledge of chosen job/career
- Literacy
- Management of learning
- Managing others/People Management
- Motivation, tenacity, commitment
- Negotiation
- Passion
- Personal development skills
- Persuading/influencing
- Planning and organisational skills
- Positive attitudes to work
- Problem solving
- Reasoning
- Self-management/resilience
- Stakeholder and organisational awareness
- Team working
- Using IT effectively
Study time
Type | Required |
Lectures | 10 sessions of 1 hour (7%) |
Seminars | 10 sessions of 1 hour (7%) |
Placement | 15 hours (10%) |
Private study | 80 hours (53%) |
Assessment | 35 hours (23%) |
Total | 150 hours |
Private study description
Independent study hours include background reading, completing reading/other tasks in preparation for timetabled teaching sessions, undertaking research using the library resources, follow-up reading work, working on individual and group projects, the completion of formative and summative assignments, revision
No further costs have been identified for this module.
You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.
Assessment group A
Weighting | Study time | Eligible for self-certification | |
Assessment component |
Essay-based assignment | 75% | 25 hours | Yes (extension) |
In this essay-based assignment, students will be permitted to engage in personal reflection based upon their own experiences and ideas, alongside a critical engagement with appropriate academic and policy literature. |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Individual Presentation | 25% | 10 hours | Yes (extension) |
In this presentation, students will make reference to the work experience they have encountered. They are encouraged to make reference to the big and small steps they need to take to progress with their career planning and the development of their employability skills. |
Reassessment component is the same |
Feedback on assessment
Cohort-level exam feedback; individual feedback on presentation style and content.
This module is Core optional for:
- Year 2 of UEQA-X35B Undergraduate Education Studies
This module is Core option list B for:
- Year 2 of UEQA-X35B Undergraduate Education Studies