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WM9PN-15 Customer Experience and Customer Insight

Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
David Reynolds
Credit value
Module duration
4 weeks
100% coursework
Study locations
  • University of Warwick main campus, Coventry Primary
  • Distance or Online Delivery
Introductory description

Customer Experience (CX) and Customer Insight (CI) tools and techniques are key to the modern enterprise. At its essence, successful CX &CI is achieved at the intersection of people, process, and technology, each of which represents a key theme of the module:
● People: concerning the business's customers but also its staff. This aspect includes sessions on customer requirements, the role of staff in influencing customer experience and the use of digital technologies to manage B2B and B2C relationships.
● Process: a key determiner of successful CX implementation is integrating data collection and analytical techniques with business processes. From this perspective participants will be introduced to methods of mapping existing CX to generate CI and re-engineering business processes where necessary.
● Technology: the final aspect concerns the technology itself. Participants will be working with industry standard analytical tools and technologies to support CX and CI

Module aims

The module aims to give students knowledge and practical experience of how organisations use digital technologies to manage Customer Experience (CX) and Customer Insight (CI). The module will incorporate a range of technologies, practices and analytical processes required to derive the insights that power the customised and personalised experiences today's customer expect. The module has a strong, practical focus, with participants gaining hands-on exposure to industrially relevant tools and methods.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

Topic 1: Introduction to Customer Experience

  • People, Process, Technology
  • Understanding the concept of customer experience in the digital age
  • Importance of integrating customer experience (CX) into the organisation
  • Key elements and components of a positive customer experience
  • Role of customer experience in building customer loyalty and advocacy

Topic 2: Customer Insights and Data Analytics

  • Gathering and analysing customer data for insights
  • Introduction to data analytics tools and techniques
  • Customer segmentation and targeting strategies
  • Personalization and customization based on customer insights
  • Ethical considerations in using customer data for insights

Topic 3: Customer Experience Design

  • Principles of user-centred design
  • Conducting user research and usability testing
    -CX Planning including designing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces & optimizing CX for different devices and platforms
  • Online Brand Management

Topic 4: Customer Journey (Touchpoint) Mapping

  • The customer journey and its significance in digital business
  • Techniques for mapping the customer journey
  • Identifying touchpoints and interactions across different channels
  • Analysing and optimizing the customer journey for a seamless experience

Topic 5: Customer Satisfaction and Feedback Management

  • Measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Techniques for collecting customer feedback
  • Implementing feedback management systems
  • Addressing customer complaints and resolving issues effectively
Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the role of the customer in the context of CX & CI
  • Critically evaluate and map the customer experience to identify opportunities for optimisation
  • Critically evaluate a range of digital technologies designed to generate valuable customer insights
  • Synthesise an effective CX & CI strategy
Indicative reading list

Batat, W., 2019. Experiential marketing: Consumer behavior, customer experience and the 7Es. Routledge.

Dirsehan, T. ed., 2020. Managing Customer Experiences in an Omnichannel World: Melody of Online and Offline Environments in the Customer Journey. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Prior, D.D., 2023. B2B Customer Engagement Strategy: An Introduction to Managing Customer Experience. Springer Nature.

Villani, I., 2018. Transform customer experience: How to achieve customer success and create exceptional CX. John Wiley & Sons.

View reading list on Talis Aspire


A mixture of business management and computing/technology topics


Topics are of high international demand. The module will include international examples and will develop international cultural awareness

Subject specific skills

Customer experience management, customer analytics, customer insight, digital customer relationship management, social media management

Transferable skills

Communication, Critical Thinking, Digital Literacy, Ethical Values, Information Literacy, Intercultural Awareness, Organisational Awareness, Problem Solving, Professionalism, Self Awareness, Sustainability, Teamwork

Study time

Type Required
Seminars 30 sessions of 1 hour (20%)
Online learning (independent) 40 sessions of 1 hour (27%)
Private study 20 hours (13%)
Assessment 60 hours (40%)
Total 150 hours
Private study description

Marketplace Simulation, Marketing Fundamentals on Moodle and independent reading to prepare for in-class sessions


Category Description Funded by Cost to student
IT and software

Marketplace E-Commerce Business Strategy Simulation:

Department £0.00

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A
Weighting Study time
Critical Review of Personal Customer Experience 75% 45 hours

Students will write a critical review on their personal experiences with a digital/hybrid service from a business or organization they have interacted with. They will critically analyse and map this experience using theoretical frameworks and concepts learned in the module and from relevant academic sources. Students will then make recommendations for improving the customer experience using relevant digital technologies.

Simulation Strategy Report 25% 15 hours

Students will create an individual poster-style report analysing their team’s strategy in the simulation

Feedback on assessment

Written feedback

There is currently no information about the courses for which this module is core or optional.