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WM984-15 Systems Engineering and Functional Safety

Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Borislav Dimitrov
Credit value
Module duration
4 weeks
100% coursework
Study locations
  • University of Warwick main campus, Coventry Primary
  • Distance or Online Delivery

Introductory description

The module details the fundamental principles pertinent to Systems Engineering, Systems thinking and Functional Safety. Beginning with Systems Engineering the module covers the principles and concepts of complexity and systems thinking, system architecture, automotive sub-systems functional analysis, customer needs and requirements definition. Moving on to functional safety, and incorporating the systems engineering principles the student covers the safety lifecycle, hazard and risk analysis, system/hardware/software development, and the associated processes including safety and change management, confidence levels and ultimately verification. Learning is reinforced via case studies and practical exercises.

Module aims

The module aims to ensure the student understands and follows the essential processes in developing complex automotive systems, from understanding the user cases, requirements, and specifications to validation and verification of functional and safe systems. Systems Engineering is the industrial framework for developing complex systems, and functional safety ensures they are safe to use.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

The module details the fundamental principles pertinent to Systems Engineering, Systems Thinking and Functional Safety. Presenting the Systems Engineering basic methods and approaches, the module continues with the main electric drivetrain sub-systems such as energy storages, converters, inverters, electric motors and control systems. The main focus is on the sub-systems concept of operation, requirements, functionality, interfaces, assembling and test procedures. Moving on to functional safety and incorporating the systems engineering principles, the student covers the safety lifecycle, hazard and risk analysis, system/hardware/software development, and the associated processes, including safety and change management, confidence levels and ultimately verification. Learning is reinforced via case studies, projects and practical exercises.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Critically evaluate the Systems Engineering methods and approaches for the entire System Engineering life-cycle, showing their application in the Electric Drivetrain systems [AHEP:4; 7, M5]
  • Evaluate customer needs, interpret the global requirements and cascade requirements to the sub-systems in advanced complex Electric Drivetrain systems [AHEP:4; 7, M5]
  • Systematically define the concept of operation, functional analysis, high-level and detailed engineering design procedures for Electric Drivetrain systems [AHEP:4; 7, M5]
  • Systematically define Electric Drivetrain sub-systems assembling, testing and validation procedures, along with the risk assessment and risk mitigation techniques [AHEP:4; 7, M5]
  • Comprehensively apply functional safety principles, HARA and ASIL evaluation in the design of complex Electric Drivetrain systems [AHEP:4; 7, M5]
  • Demonstrate the V-method application with a specific case study [AHEP:4; 7, M5]

Indicative reading list

  1. Alexander Kossiakoff, et al., System Engineering Principles and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2020.
  2. Hannes Hick, et al. l, System Engineering and Automotive Power Development, Springer 2021.
  3. Charles Wasson, System Engineering, Analysis, Design and Development. Wasson Strategics, 2016.
  4. Markus Maurer, Automotive System Engineering, Springer 2013.
  5. Jon Holt, System Engineering Demystified, Packt Publishing 2021.

View reading list on Talis Aspire

Subject specific skills

The students will be able to apply systems thinking to complex engineering problems, following a structured, methodical process applied in Electric Drivetrain development. The students with gain the ability to understand interactions and integration across multiple disciplines and domains – mechanical, electrical/electronics, thermal, software, etc. – applicable in the primary Electric Drivetrain sub-systems development process. The student will understand the System Engineering needs analysis, requirements elicitation, the concept of operation and functional analysis, hazard and risk analysis, functional safety and management processes, engineering design, assembling and verification procedures in order to develop Electric Drivetrain industrial projects meeting the customer needs and requirements.

Core Skills:

| To understand the System Engineering methods and approaches and their applications in Electric Drivetrain systems |

| To understand the main Electric Drivetrain sub-systems concept of operation and to define the conceptional architecture as a part of a complex industrial project |

| To understand the main Electric Drivetrain requirements and practically apply requirements cascading techniques, functional analysis and functional architecture definition |

| To understand and practically apply the high-level and detailed engineering design methodologies, assembling and testing procedures necessary for the Electric Drivetrain development process |

| To understand the functional safety basic principles and application in Electric Drivetrain development, based on ISO26262 standard |

| Gain a deep understanding of technical responsibility for complex engineering systems |

| Ability to validate that the design will satisfy the requirements of the product or service |

| Ability to ensure that engineering integrity is achieved and engineering procedures are complied with |

| Ability to ensure the rigorous application of risk management and lessons learnt to ensure project risk is understood and minimised through the project life cycle |

| Knowledge to ensure all internal process, regulatory and customer requirements are met |

Transferable skills

The module develops problem solving and troubleshooting capabilities, in addition to team working and lateral thinking. The ability to get into the "customer mindset" and work through issues in a thorough and methodical manner whilst working with different teams is essential in todays work force.

Core Behaviours
| Professional commitment
Demonstrating a personal, ethical and professional commitment to society, their profession and the environment, adopting a set of values and behaviours that will maintain and enhance the reputation of the profession as well as their organisation and fulfilling requirements with respect to maintenance of personal records for Professional Registration.|

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 18 sessions of 1 hour (12%)
Seminars 12 sessions of 1 hour (8%)
Tutorials (0%)
Online learning (independent) 18 sessions of 1 hour (12%)
Private study 42 hours (28%)
Assessment 60 hours (40%)
Total 150 hours

Private study description

During the module delivery, the students are expected to learn the theory independently, following the materials presented in the lectures and seminars. This includes the central topics of System Engineering – customer needs estimation, requirements, functional analysis, pre- and engineering design, assembly and test procedures. Their step-by-step development during the 4-week delivery will help the students to apply the fundamental theory in their assignments independently.
Functional Safety is covered by the industrial standard ISO26262, studied in the seminars and design activities. The students are expected to independently conduct HARA and ASIL procedures as part of their coursework.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A1
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Coursework: Electric Drivetrain System Engineering Project 80% 48 hours Yes (extension)

The coursework focuses on developing the Electric Drivetrain (ED) SEFS project, following the main SE methods and life cycle. The project includes the main ED sub-systems – energy storage, DC-DC converter, DC-AC inverter, electric motor and the battery charger. The main points are the application of the SE V-model, customer needs estimation, global and cascaded requirements, engineering design, assembly and test procedures. The functional safety is developed and analysed according to the industrial ISO 26262 standard.

Reassessment component is the same
Assessment component
In module online assessement (Video Presentation) 20% 12 hours No

The coursework focuses on developing the Electric Drivetrain (ED) SEFS project, following the main SE methods and life cycle. The project includes the main ED sub-systems – energy storage, DC-DC converter, DC-AC inverter, electric motor and the battery charger. The main points are the application of the SE V-model, customer needs estimation, global and cascaded requirements, engineering design, assembly and test procedures. The functional safety is developed and analysed according to the industrial ISO 26262 standard.

Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment

Written feedback for both assessments will be provided.
The feedback will provide details on the current work assessment and suggestions for future improvements applicable to students’ future industrial projects.


To take this module, you must have passed:

There is currently no information about the courses for which this module is core or optional.