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ST225-120 Study Abroad and Work Placement Year

Undergraduate Level 2
Module leader
Leonardo Rolla
Credit value
Module duration
30 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

This module is a pass / fail module taken by Statistics students on part-year Study Abroad and part-year Work Placement for a course that contains "with intercalated year" in the title.

Students are required to submit a report on their Study Abroad Year as well as progress reports at the end of terms 1 and 2. Students must forward the examination and assessment results each term as soon as they are available.

Module web page

Module aims

To provide students with the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to study abroad at a host University approved by the Department
  • Experience and gain a deeper understanding of the social and cultural environment of the host city and country
  • Improve foreign language skills (in exchanges where the language is not English)
  • Broaden understanding and knowledge of their subject specialism(s).
  • Travel abroad and achieve personal development in preparation for employment and global citizenship.
  • Complete an undergraduate work placement.
  • Develop experience of, and confidence in, essential workplace skills.
  • Develop in a commercial, professional, industrial or other environment, skills previously pursued in an academic
Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

For the study abroad component the syllabus will be arranged on an individual basis in
consultation with the department and the host institution. It will normally comprise a combination of taught courses and any language training required. Modules selected must not duplicate those taken by students when they are at Warwick but must be chosen to provide adequate preparation for modules students will take when they return to Warwick. Any amendments to the approved study plan must be approved by the intercalated year coordinator. Students are expected to take the same total workload as that of a typical full time student at the host institution.
For the work placement component a description of the work placement should be provided by
the work placement provider. The syllabus will comprise undertaking the approved work placement and maintaining a regular summary whilst on placement.
The syllabus of both components is subject to the approval of the intercalated year coordinator.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Broadened their knowledge and understanding of their subject specialism(s)
  • Developed the qualities and transferable skills necessary for working or studying in another country and in a different academic system.
  • Gained an understanding of the work environment and their contribution to it.
  • Developed enhanced oral and written language skills through the demands of study in a different country.
  • Developed transferable skills in sensitivity to diversity in terms of culture and intercultural competencies.
  • Applied in a non-academic environment critical, analytical and interpersonal skills developed in pursuit of their disciplinary studies.
  • Developed transferrable skills such as confidence, communication, flexibility, time management, team working.
  • Gained an understanding of how to apply work-based learning to other areas of personal development
  • Reflected on personal and professional progress, cogently and judiciously.
  • Developed an ability to decide, plan and thrive in the world of work.

Study Abroad

Subject specific skills

-Demonstrate an enhanced knowledge and understanding of their subject specialism(s)

Transferable skills

-Demonstrate that they have developed the qualities and transferable skills necessary for working or studying in another county and in a different academic system.
-Successfully engage with the demands of student in a different country, with enhanced oral and written language skills (in some cases in a language other than English)
-Have developed transferable skills in sensitivity to diversity in term of culture and people
-Apply, in a non-academic environment, the critical, analytical and interpersonal skills developed in pursuit of their disciplinary studies.
-Understand the work environment and their contribution to it.
-Demonstrate high level transferrable skill such as confidence, communication, flexibility, time management, team working.
-Reflect on personal and professional progress, cogently and judiciously.
-To make decisions, plan and thrive in the world of work

Study time

Type Required
Placement 1,190 hours (100%)
Total 1,190 hours
Private study description

No private study requirements defined for this module.

Other activity description

Briefing and debriefing meetings with the intercalated year co-ordinator.


Category Description Funded by Cost to student
Field trips, placements and study abroad

Costs associated with Study Abroad and / or relocation for work placement e.g. visas, travel and accommodation.


You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A3
Weighting Study time
Study Abroad and Work Placement report 100% 10 hours

Due in Term 3, Week 6.
A written summary related to the stated outcomes of the module. The summary should contain contextual information on the host organisation, the cultural, academic and workplace environments, a description of and reflection on the process of securing a work placement and a discussion of academic achievements, the skills developed and how they relate to personal, academic and career development. Attached to the report should be a transcript from the host university. (In addition there may be a formal presentation or structured interview with questions allowing the exploration of the skills, knowledge and attributed gained during the year abroad related to the stated outcomes of the module.)

Feedback on assessment

As provided by the host institution for its own students. In addition, students are required to submit a short progress report to the departmental intercalated year coordinator at the end of terms 1 and 2 (dates to be specified in each case). Feedback will be provided by the intercalated year coordinator who will also provide assistance if required. Students must forward examination and assessment results each term as soon as they are available. Students meet the intercalated year coordinator for a debriefing upon their return.


This module is Core optional for:

  • Year 3 of USTA-G303 Undergraduate Data Science (with Intercalated Year)
  • USTA-G301 Undergraduate Master of Mathematics,Operational Research,Statistics and Economics (with Intercalated
    • Year 3 of G301 BSc Master of Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistcs and Economics (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of G301 BSc Master of Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistcs and Economics (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 3 of USTA-G1G4 Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics (BSc MMathStat) (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 3 of USTA-GG17 Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 3 of USTA-Y603 Undergraduate Mathematics,Operational Research,Statistics,Economics (with Intercalated Year)