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PO374-30 Politics of Globalization

Politics & International Studies
Undergraduate Level 3
Module leader
Iain Pirie
Credit value
Module duration
20 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry

Introductory description

Globalisation is the dominant theme in contemporary political and economic debates. Even a cursory glance at official publications emanating from the key ministries of state across the developed and underdeveloped world reveals the centrality of this concept to policy debates. Concerns about the need to ‘adapt’ to and meet the ‘challenge’ of globalisation inform the conduct not only of macroeconomic policy but every aspect of social and economic policy. Similarly a careful analysis of material produced by major corporations reveals the critical importance these organisations place on changes in the organisation of global markets and the need to become ‘global firms’.

Despite the centrality of the concept of globalisation to debates across the social sciences there is little agreement as to what this concept actually means. This module seeks to explore the content of the processes that go under the rubric of globalisation and draw out their significance for our understanding of the theory and practice of governance and development. In order to do so we explore the history of globalisation and the attempts of leading theorists to conceptualise the process. Having done so we move on to analyse the key institutions (both public and private) that are shaping the contemporary world order. We shall also consider the impact of structural changes in the global political economy upon the organisation of work, gender relations, national welfare regimes and systems of democratic control.

This module explicitly adopts a post-disciplinary approach. As such no attempt will be made to draw clear artificial distinctions between the social, political and economic. Major processes of change in systems of human organisation are simultaneously cultural, political and economic phenomena and we seek to study them as such. In practical terms this means we must be prepared to draw upon sources from throughout the social sciences and the reading list reflects the necessity of eclecticism.

Module aims

The module aims to:

Explore the definitions, measurements and chronologies of globalisation
Explore the main theoretical approaches to understanding globalisation
Offer an understanding of the key institutions of supranational governance
Analyse the key agents and logics driving contemporary processes of globalisation
Assess the key changes that are taking place in the organisation of work and the role of structural change in the global economy in driving these changes
Explore the political and cultural significance of consumption
Consider the implications of globalisation for conceptions of citzenship

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Globalisation: Perspectives and Narratives
Week 3: A Brief History of Globalisation(s)
Week 4: Globalisation and Modernity I: Giddens and Beck
Week 5: Globalisation as Late Capitalism
Week 6: Reading Week
Week 7: Transnational Corporations and Global Commodity Chains
Week 8: Financial Globalisation
Week 9: Things Fall Apart: The Contemporary Crisis
Week 10: The Global Media, Communications and Cultures of Consumption
Week 11: Globalisation and the Nation-State
Week 12: The New Architecture of Global Governance I: The WTO
Week 13: The New Architecture of Global Governance II: World Bank
Week 14: Globalisation and Regionalisation
Week 15: Globalisation and the Future of Democracy
Week 16: Reading Week
Week 17: Globalisation and Labour
Week 18: Globalisation and Welfare
Week 19: Globalisation and Gender
Week 20: The Global Environmental Crisis

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate an appreciation of key debates concerning how we define, measure, date and explain globalisation
  • Critically discuss the characteristics of the key institutions of global governance
  • Assess the gendered social and cultural impact of structural changes in the global political economy
  • Critically analyse, both orally and in writing, the current issues facing social actors as the locus of economic organisation increasingly shifts to the supranational level
  • To engage with debates on the impact of globalisation on the national states.
  • To assess the impact of global processes of financialization on everyday life
  • Analysis the impact of changes in systems of production and consumption

Indicative reading list

Term One Reading List

Bailey, D., Harte, G. and Sugden, R. (1994) Transnationals and governments: recent
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Bair, J. (2005) ‘Global Capitalism and Commodity Chains: Looking Back, Going Forward’,
Competition & Change, 9(2), pp. 153–180. Available at:
Baker, A., Hudson, D. and Woodward, R. (2005) Governing financial globalization:
international political economy and multi-level governance. London: Routledge. Available
Barnet, R.J. and Cavanagh, J. (1995) Global dreams: imperial corporations and the new
world order. New York: Touchstone.
Baudrillard, J. (1981) ‘Chapter 1 - Sign Function and Class Logic’, in For a critique of the
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Baudrillard, J. (1996) The system of objects. London: Verso.
Baudrillard, J. (1998) The consumer society: myths and structures. London: Sage. Available
Bayly, C.A. (2002) ‘“‘Archaic’ and ‘Modern’ Globalization in the Eurasian and African Arena
1750-1850”’, in Globalization in world history. London: Pimlico, 2002. Available at:
Beck, U. (1992) Risk society: towards a new modernity. London: Sage. Available at:
Beck, U. (2000) What is globalization? Cambridge: Polity. Available at:
Beck, U., Giddens, A. and Lash, S. (1994) Reflexive modernization: politics, tradition and
aesthetics in the modern social order. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Berger, S. and Dore, R. (1996a) National diversity and global capitalism. Ithaca, N.Y.:
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Berger, S. and Dore, R. (1996b) National diversity and global capitalism. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press.
Best, J. (2005) The limits of transparency: ambiguity and the history of international
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Bettig, R.V. (1996) Copyrighting culture: the political economy of intellectual property.
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Block, F.L. (1977) The origins of international economic disorder: a study of United States
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Bonefeld, W. and Holloway, J. (1995) Global capital, national state and the politics of
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Bookstaber, R.M. (2007) A demon of our own design: markets, hedge funds, and the perils
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Bootle, R.P. (2004) Money for nothing: real wealth, financial fantasies, and the economy of
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Boyd-Barrett, O. and Rantanen, T. (1998) The globalization of news. Thousand Oaks, Calif:
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Boyer, R. (2013) ‘The euro crisis: undetected by conventional economics, favoured by
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Boyer, R. and Drache, D. (1996) States against markets: the limits of globalization. London:
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Brancaccio, E. and Fontana, G. (2010) The global economic crisis: new perspectives on the
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Braudel, F. (1992) Civilization and capitalism, 15th-18th century. Berkeley: University of
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Brett, E.A. (1985) The world economy since the war: the politics of uneven development.
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Bryan, L.L. and Farrell, D. (1996) Market unbound: unleashing global capitalism. New York:
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Cohen, B.J. (2001) ‘Electronic money: new day or false dawn?’, Review of International
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The module draws on debates from sociology (on the nature of consumption), heterodox economics (on financialization) and the business studies literature on global value chains.

Subject specific skills

1)To enhance students ability to draw links between processes of political, social, economic and cultural change.
2) To allow students to develop greater capacity to relate marco level global processes of political economic restructuing to chages in the structure of everyday life
3) To afford students with a enhanced understand of the racialised and gendered nature of global markets
4) Critical analysis systems of global economic goverance
5) To allow students to apply the theoritical literature on financialisation to contempoary social problems and new forms of cultural production

Transferable skills

  1. To enhance written communication skills.
  2. To apply abstract ideas and concepts to study of concerte everyday phenonomia
  3. To think beyond traditional discplinary boundries when analysing systems of human organisation

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 18 sessions of 1 hour (50%)
Seminars 18 sessions of 1 hour (50%)
Total 36 hours

Private study description



No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Students can register for this module without taking any assessment.

Assessment group A
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Mid Year 3000 word essay 50% Yes (extension)

3000 word essay (To be submitted January at same time as assessment for 15 CAT modules).

Reassessment component is the same
Assessment component
2nd 3000 Essay 50% Yes (extension)

3000 Word Essay to be submitted in Term 3

Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment



This module is Optional for:

  • Year 4 of UECA-4 Undergraduate Economics 4 Year Variants
  • Year 3 of UECA-LM1D Undergraduate Economics, Politics and International Studies
  • UHIA-VM14 Undergraduate History and Politics (with Year Abroad and a term in Venice)
    • Year 3 of VM14 History and Politics (with Year Abroad and a term in Venice)
    • Year 4 of VM14 History and Politics (with Year Abroad and a term in Venice)
  • Year 3 of UHIA-VM13 Undergraduate History and Politics (with a term in Venice)
  • Year 3 of UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  • Year 4 of UPHA-V7MM Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics (with Intercalated year)
  • Year 3 of UPOA-M100 Undergraduate Politics
  • Year 4 of UPOA-M101 Undergraduate Politics (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 4 of UPOA-M168 Undergraduate Politics and International Studies with Chinese
  • Year 3 of UPOA-M169 Undergraduate Politics and International Studies with Chinese (3 year)
  • Year 4 of UPOA-M165 Undergraduate Politics, International Studies and Italian
  • Year 3 of UPOA-M162 Undergraduate Politics, International Studies and Quantitative Methods
  • Year 4 of UPOA-M167 Undergraduate Politics, International Studies and Quantitative Methods (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 3 of UPHA-V7MW Undergraduate Politics, Philosophy and Law
  • Year 4 of UPHA-V7MX Undergraduate Politics, Philosophy and Law (with Intercalated Year)

This module is Unusual option for:

  • UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics
    • Year 3 of V7MR Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major)
    • Year 3 of V7MP Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite)
  • UPHA-V7MM Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics (with Intercalated year)
    • Year 4 of V7MS Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of V7MQ Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite) with Intercalated Year
    • Year 4 of V7MM Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite) (with Intercalated year)
  • Year 3 of UPHA-V7MW Undergraduate Politics, Philosophy and Law
  • Year 4 of UPHA-V7MX Undergraduate Politics, Philosophy and Law (with Intercalated Year)

This module is Option list A for:

  • Year 3 of UPOA-M16A Undergraduate Politics and International Studies
  • Year 4 of UPOA-M16B Undergraduate Politics and International Studies (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 3 of UPOA-ML13 Undergraduate Politics and Sociology
  • Year 4 of UPOA-ML14 Undergraduate Politics and Sociology (with Intercalated year)
  • Year 4 of UPOA-M163 Undergraduate Politics, International Studies and French
  • Year 4 of UPOA-M164 Undergraduate Politics, International Studies and German
  • Year 4 of UPOA-M166 Undergraduate Politics, International Studies and Hispanic Studies
  • Year 3 of UPOA-M16H Undergraduate Politics, International Studies and Hispanic Studies (3 year degree)

This module is Option list C for:

  • Year 3 of UHIA-VM11 Undergraduate History and Politics
  • Year 4 of UHIA-VM12 Undergraduate History and Politics (with Year Abroad)
  • UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics
    • Year 3 of V7MP Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite)
    • Year 3 of V7ML Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite)
  • UPHA-V7MM Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics (with Intercalated year)
    • Year 4 of V7MS Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite with Economics Major) (with Intercalated Year)
    • Year 4 of V7MQ Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Bipartite) with Intercalated Year
    • Year 4 of V7MM Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Tripartite) (with Intercalated year)

This module is Option list D for:

  • Year 3 of UHIA-VM11 Undergraduate History and Politics
  • Year 4 of UHIA-VM12 Undergraduate History and Politics (with Year Abroad)
  • Year 3 of UPHA-V7ML Undergraduate Philosophy, Politics and Economics