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MH928-20 Introduction to Leadership and Management in Healthcare Contexts

Warwick Medical School
Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Alyson Quinn
Credit value
Module duration
12 weeks
100% coursework
Study locations
  • Distance or Online Delivery Primary
  • University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

This module offers a blended method of learning to meet the educational and development needs of healthcare practitioners who are currently in leadership and management roles or interested in exploring these roles as part of their professional development.

Module web page

Module aims

The aim of this module is to enable students to develop a critically evaluative understanding of the key principles of management and leadership in healthcare contexts and be able to apply these in practice.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

The module addresses the following areas of study.

An Introduction to Leadership and Management

Students are introduced to the key concepts of leadership and management in healthcare, and healthcare education, contexts and the differences between them. The role of leadership competency frameworks and tools to support professional development is explored and critically appraised

Leadership and Management within Health Service Contexts: Application

Using the NHS as a case study example, students are introduced to the principles and application of business and financial planning. Students identify and explore the challenges of applying leadership and management skills to everyday operational issues in their own professional contexts, including leading and working with multi-professional teams

Leading and Managing Change

Students are introduced to key concepts in leading and managing change and consider how these could be applied in their own professional contexts to improve services

Leadership Styles and Preferences

Students will self-evaluate their roles and skills as leaders and team members, with particular reference to their degree programme, and gain insight into their own emotional intelligence through critical engagement with a range of competency frameworks and tools.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • On successful completion of the module, students should be able to identify areas for change and development within a range of professional contexts, including educational contexts, and develop evidence based plans that could be used to address these, demonstrating a theoretical understanding of leadership and management and their ability to apply this in context.
  • On successful completion of the module, students should be able to demonstrate critical self-evaluation of their roles and skills as leaders and team members, through detailed understanding of relevant theoretical models and engagement with relevant leadership competency tools and frameworks.
  • On successful completion of the module, students should be able to apply leadership and management skills to improve services in their own professional contexts, using effective oral and written communication and leading and working with multi-professional teams.
Indicative reading list

Buchanan D and Huczynski A (2016). Organisational Behaviour. London: Pearson. Cameron, E. and Green, M. (2015). Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organisational change. 4th edition. Kogan Page. Kotter J (2012). Leading change; why transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business reviews (first published 1996) Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. London: Sage Pendleton, D. and Furnham, A. (2012) Leadership: All You Need to Know, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Spurgeon, P. and Klaber, R. (2016) Medical leadership: a practical guide for tutors and trainees. Oxford: BPP. Woods, S.A. and West, M.A. (2014) The Psychology of Work and Organizations. Andover, UK: Cengage. Journals Berghout, M.A., Fabbricotti, I.N., Buljac-Samardzić, M., & Hilders, C.G.J.M. (2017) Medical leaders or masters?—A systematic review of medical leadership in hospital settings. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0184522. Dinh, J. E., Lord, R. G., Gardner, W., Meuser, J. D., Liden, R. C., Hu, J. (2014) Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives. The Leadership Quarterly, 25: 36-62. Keijser, W., Poorthuis, M., Tweedie, J., & Wilderom, C. (2017) Review of determinants of national medical leadership development. BMJ Leader 1:36-43. Lyuobvnikova, J., West, M.A., Dawson, J & Carter, M (2015) 24-Karat or fool’s gold?: Consequences of real team and co-acting group membership in healthcare organizations. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, vol 24, no. 6, pp. 929-950. Steinert, Yvonne; Naismith, Laura; Mann, Karen (2012) Faculty development initiatives designed to promote leadership in medical education. A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 19. Medical Teacher (MED TEACH), Jun2012; 34(6): 483-503. (21p) West, M & West, T 2015, 'Leadership in healthcare: a review of the evidence' Health Management, vol 15, pp. 123-125.

Subject specific skills

Sound understanding of subject Critically evaluate Reflection

Transferable skills

Numeracy Thinking and problem solving written communication oral communication Teamwork Organisation & time management Use of tools and technology Commercial awareness Independence and initiative Adaptability/Flexibility

Study time

Type Required
Seminars 21 sessions of 1 hour (10%)
Other activity 5 hours (2%)
Private study 172 hours (86%)
Assessment 2 hours (1%)
Total 200 hours
Private study description

Structured online activities via VLE (Moodle) including podcasts and other online resources, discussion forums, self-assessment of leadership style – 72 hours Self-directed learning – 100 hours in preparation for two summative assessments

Other activity description

Oral presentations - 5 hours (there will be breakout rooms and facilitators available for larger cohorts).


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Students can register for this module without taking any assessment.

Assessment group A4
Weighting Study time
Critical Reflection 60% 1 hour


Individual Oral Presentation 40% 1 hour

10 minutes and 5 for questions.

Feedback on assessment

Tutor and peer formative feedback on online activities. Standardised criterion-based rubrics will be used for summative assessments and these will be available electronically.


This module is Optional for:

  • TMHS-B906 MSc in Diabetes
    • Year 1 of B906 Diabetes
    • Year 1 of B906 Diabetes
  • TPCS-B9XD Masters in Medical Education
    • Year 1 of B9XD Medical Education
    • Year 1 of B9XD Medical Education
    • Year 1 of B9XD Medical Education
  • Year 1 of TMHS-B90T Postgraduate Taught Diabetes (PGDip)
  • Year 1 of TMDS-B9C2 Postgraduate Taught Health Research
  • Year 1 of TMHS-B902 Public Health

This module is Option list A for:

  • Year 1 of TMDS-B9C2 Postgraduate Taught Health Research
  • Year 1 of TMHS-B902 Public Health