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LA399-30 Supervised Project

School of Law
Undergraduate Level 3
Module leader
James Harrison
Credit value
Module duration
20 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

The supervised project allows students to undertake independent study to complete one of a range of outputs. These may include a researched dissertation; reasoned policy briefing; a legal judgment re-written from a particular socio-legal perspective; a piece of investigative journalism a dramatized dissertation; or other creative piece of work. Students will be able to choose from a range of these options each year, depending on staff availability.

Module aims

The module provides students with the opportunity to undertake a piece of in-depth research or other project on a topic chosen by them. It aims to provide students with a high degree of responsibility for the learning process and will require them to manage their own learning, reflect on it critically, and seek and use constructive feedback.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

There is no set syllabus given that each project is individual to the student. However, general skills based lectures/workshops will be provided to introduce students to research methods, research ethics, managing supervision relationship, and developing writing skills to enable students to commence independent project work early in the term. Students will meet in groups with supervisors to discuss plans, ongoing work and review examples of good practice. Individual supervision will be reserved for feedback on draft writing.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Plan, structure, write, and reference an independent research project on a chosen subject
  • Identify, employ and critically evaluate a range of primary and secondary sources relevant to their topic area
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and principles in their area of research
  • Construct a narrative in a clear, lucid and coherent manner which is appropriate to their chosen project
  • Present their writing in a style which is suitable for and persuasive to their chosen audience
Research element

The project requires independent learning and research as a central element of the module.


If relevant to the individual project


If relevant to the individual project

Subject specific skills

Independent research and writing skills. Further specific skills will depend on the nature of the project adopted

Transferable skills

Independent project planning, developing a writing in a style which is suitable for and persuasive to relevant audiences

Study time

Type Required Optional
Lectures 4 sessions of 2 hours (3%) 8 sessions of 1 hour
Tutorials 4 sessions of 2 hours (3%)
Project supervision 4 sessions of 1 hour (1%)
Private study 228 hours (76%)
Assessment 52 hours (17%)
Total 300 hours
Private study description

Students will be doing independent research and writing in order to make progress on their project.


Category Description Funded by Cost to student

It is proposed to make a fund available to which students can apply if they are doing empirical work where there are costs associated with research or if they have opportunities to present their work to external audiences.

Department £0.00

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A1
Weighting Study time
Project - Individual 100% 52 hours

The exact nature of the assessment will depend on the project chosen by the student

Feedback on assessment

Regular group sessions and two individual feedback sessions on draft work prior to submission of final assessed work

Anti-requisite modules

If you take this module, you cannot also take:

  • LA399-15 Supervised Project


This module is Core optional for:

  • Year 3 of ULAA-M300 Undergraduate Law
  • ULAA-M108 Undergraduate Law (Year Abroad) (Qualifying Degree)
    • Year 4 of M108 Law (Year Abroad) (Qualifying Degree)
    • Year 4 of M108 Law (Year Abroad) (Qualifying Degree)
  • Year 4 of ULAA-ML33 Undergraduate Law and Sociology
  • Year 4 of ULAA-M10A Undergraduate Law with French Law (Qualifying Degree)
  • Year 4 of ULAA-M10C Undergraduate Law with German Law (Qualifying Degree)
  • Year 3 of ULAA-M114 Undergraduate Law with Social Sciences (3 Year)
  • Year 4 of ULAA-M116 Undergraduate Law with Social Sciences (4 Year)
  • LLB Law (Three years) (with Intercalated Year)
  • ML23 Law with Social Sciences (Intercalated Year Option)
  • MV21 Law with Humanities (Four Years)
  • MV21 Law with Humanities (Intercalated Year Option)
  • MV21 Law with Humanities (Three Years)