IP205-30 Consuming cultures
Introductory description
This is the core module in the second year of the the BA in Liberal Arts degree.
Module aims
This module critically examines the role that consumption plays in contemporary society, analysing different theorisations of processes of consumption and cultural works which engage with issues of consumption. Using an interdisciplinary Problem-Based learning approach, this module will encourage students to interrogate problems at the intersection of the arts, humanities and social sciences.
Outline syllabus
This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.
Term 1
- Introduction to consumption
- Commodification and value
- Conspicuous consumption: status and distinction
- The C19 consumer society: The House of Mirth
- Branding and advertising
- Academic skills for honours-level assessment
- Global consumer cultures
- The culture industry (I): Perspectives from the left
- The good life? Perspectives from the right
- Consumer culture and the media
Term 2 - "I buy, therefore I am"
- Inconspicuous consumption: Eating, drinking and everyday practices
- Altered states: Intoxication
- The C20 consumer society: American Psycho
- "Eating the Other": Consuming cultures
- The culture industry (II): Collection and curation
- Landscapes of consumption
- The C21 consumer society: UK grime
- Review: Consumptive futures?
- Presentations
Term 3 - Research project guidance and peer review
- Research project guidance
Learning outcomes
By the end of the module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of historical, sociological and cultural theorisations of consumption, and critically assess a range of frameworks and methodologies.
- Analyse the language of consumption, and representations and interventions in literature, visual culture and music.
- Critically consider notions of use, value, waste and decay in relation to consumption.
- Explore problems and generate well-informed responses to a wide range of issues relating to consumption.
- Demonstrate advanced cognitive skills such as critical analysis, source-text analysis, a range of research methods, and oral and written communication skills.
- Demonstrate meta-cognitive skills such as: planning how to approach a learning task and identifying the appropriate strategies to solve a problem.
- Demonstrate the ability to use methodologies and perspectives from a range of disciplines, such as sociology, visual cultures, history, English studies, space studies, celebrity studies and cultural studies to analyse a range of sources in cultural and historical perspective.
Research element
Seminar preparation includes guided independent research.
All assessments are research-focused.
The final assessment (research project) asks students to think holistically about the research process and make decisions about content, methodology and output; this acts as "light-touch" preparation for the final-year dissertation.
Support for the final assessment (research project) includes a guided peer review session, in which students present their work-in-progress to the group and offer/receive constructive feedback.
This is a core module on the BA in Liberal Arts degree programmme, which offers a unique trans- and interdisciplinary learning experience for breadth and depth of knowledge.
This module is not subject-specific. Instead, it is issue-focused and draws from a range of disciplinary perspectives, including (but not limited to): space studies, cultural geography, sociology, politics, psychology, marketing, literary studies, cultural studies and history.
The module includes one week that focuses specifically on global consumer cultures.
Other weeks include examples and case studies from different global regions.
Assessment 1 (text-response paper) includes source options from different global regions.
As students are co-producers of knowledge (i.e. some seminar preparation time is dedicated to mandatory independent research), they may choose to explore scholarship, ideas and examples from different global regions.
Subject specific skills
Primary source analysis: e.g. through the analysis of literary texts, film, music, statistics, advertisements connected to the theme of consumption
Secondary source analysis: e.g. through criticism, scholarship and theoretical frameworks for consumption studies
Understanding of evolving field of interdisciplinary consumption studies
Range of qualitative research methods, potentially including (but not limited to) archival methodologies, interview methodologies, surveys, and text responses
Transferable skills
Independent research; through seminar preparation and assessments
Communication of knowledge and teaching skills; through weekly problem-based learning group activity
Argument development; through weekly problem-based learning group activity and assessments
Interdisciplinary knowledge-production and synthesis of knowledge; through weekly problem-based learning group activity and assessments
Development of an argument; through weekly problem-based learning group activity and assessments
Presentation skills; through weekly problem-based learning group activity and assessments
Oral and written communication skills; through weekly problem-based learning group activity and assessments
Problem-solving skills; through independent research and weekly problem-based learning group activity
Project management skills; through final assessment (research project)
Study time
Type | Required | Optional |
Seminars | 20 sessions of 2 hours (13%) | |
Project supervision | 2 sessions of 2 hours (1%) | |
Practical classes | (0%) | |
External visits | (0%) | 1 session of 6 hours |
Private study | 70 hours (23%) | |
Assessment | 186 hours (62%) | |
Total | 300 hours |
Private study description
Reading, research, preparation for seminars
Category | Description | Funded by | Cost to student |
Books and learning materials |
Depending on current streaming and availability, students may need to rent the film American Psycho. The Library has a copy on DVD but most students no longer own technology for viewing DVDs. |
Student | |
Field trips, placements and study abroad |
Field visit in Week 16 to the Pitt-Rivers Museum in Oxford. The visit itself is free, but if students are able to afford it they asked to cover the cost of public transport. However, department funding is available for any student who feels that they can't afford it (no questions asked). Cost of rail fare in academic year 2021/22 was £13.50 with student railcard and £20.80 without. |
Student |
You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.
Assessment group A4
Weighting | Study time | Eligible for self-certification | |
Assessment component |
Text response (1500 words) | 20% | 33 hours | Yes (extension) |
Students critically analyse a primary source (e.g. an advertisement, a brand, a commodity, or a creative text) |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Site analysis (1500 words) | 20% | 33 hours | Yes (extension) |
Students critically analyse a site/landscape of cultural or heritage consumption |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Media production (20 min, group project) | 15% | 46 hours | No |
Media production (e.g. video essay/podcast) responding to, evaluating and analysing one theoretical framework encountered on the module |
Reassessment component |
Presentation (10 mins) | No | ||
Individual presentation responding to, evaluating and analysing one theoretical framework encountered on the module |
Assessment component |
Research Project (3000 words or equivalent output) | 45% | 74 hours | Yes (extension) |
Mini research project on an aspect of consumption; students must make decisions about content, methodology and output |
Reassessment component is the same |
Feedback on assessment
Feedback for all components will be provided in writing through Tabula. Students will be encouraged to make use of advice and feedback hours to discuss and reflect on feedback received.
This module is Core for:
UVCA-LA99 Undergraduate Liberal Arts
- Year 2 of LA99 Liberal Arts
- Year 2 of LA92 Liberal Arts with Classics
- Year 2 of LA73 Liberal Arts with Design Studies
- Year 2 of LA83 Liberal Arts with Economics
- Year 2 of LA82 Liberal Arts with Education
- Year 2 of LA95 Liberal Arts with English
- Year 2 of LA81 Liberal Arts with Film and Television Studies
- Year 2 of LA93 Liberal Arts with Global Sustainable Development
- Year 2 of LA97 Liberal Arts with History
- Year 2 of LA91 Liberal Arts with Life Sciences
- Year 2 of LA75 Liberal Arts with Modern Lanaguages and Cultures
- Year 2 of LA96 Liberal Arts with Philosophy
- Year 2 of LA94 Liberal Arts with Theatre and Performance Studies