IB9YM-15 Entrepreneurial Mindset
Introductory description
This module is designed to provide a broad understanding of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship with a special focus on the entrepreneurial mindset. Entrepreneurship is a comprehensive mindset that enables people to identify, evaluate, and act on opportunities in a variety of contexts, settings and organizations (and is not just about starting new businesses).
Module aims
The module will facilitate students in developing an entrepreneurial mindset, attitude and skills – the necessary hallmarks of successful value creators. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, readings, guest lectures, brainstorming and creativity exercise sessions, and self-reflection, students will learn how to research, identify and develop entrepreneurial opportunities, engage in problem-solving as well as critical thinking. By giving students the chance to research and prepare a group presentation to pitch a new venture idea, we encourage them to gain more insights into the practical steps needed to establish a new entrepreneurial venture and enable value creation.
Outline syllabus
This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.
This module covers the following topics:
- Entrepreneurial mindset
- The entrepreneurial process and its stages
- Opportunity recognition
- Opportunity evaluation
- Idea generation and evaluation
- Taking a people-centred approach to value creation
- Idea Canvas and Business model canvas
- Entrepreneurial teams
- Basic understanding of entrepreneurial finance options (e.g., Self-Funding, Venture capital, Business Angels, Crowdfunding)
- New venture growth and exit strategies
- Social entrepreneurship
- Corporate entrepreneurship
- Intellectual property protection
- Lean Start up
Learning outcomes
By the end of the module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate a broad understanding of the entrepreneurial process and the main entrepreneurship theories, including entrepreneurial mindset
- Demonstrate a deep understanding of the notion of entrepreneurial opportunities and their sources, including the different growth and exit strategies for a business venture
- Demonstrate a comprehesive understanding of the importance, role and function of entrepreneurial teams.
- Demonstrate understanding of the different new business funding sources and what type of firms they may be suited to
- Think critically about the entrepreneurial process
- Demonstrate problem-solving skills and coherent lines of argument
Indicative reading list
Aulet B. (2013). Disciplined entrepreneurship : 24 steps to a successful startup. Wiley.
Burns, P. (2020). Corporate entrepreneurship: Innovation and strategy in large organizations (4th ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hisrich R. D. Peters M. P. & Shepherd D. A. (2018). Entrepreneurship (Eleventh). McGraw-Hill Education.
Neck, H.M., Neck, C.P., & Murray, E. L. (2018). Entrepreneurship: The practice and mindset. Sage.
Sawyer, K. (2013). Zig Zag: The surprising path to greater creativity. Jossey-Bass.
Reuer J. J. Matusik S. F. & Jones J. (2019). The oxford handbook of entrepreneurship and collaboration. Oxford University Press.
Lewrick M. Link P. & Leifer L. J. (2018). The design thinking playbook : mindful digital transformation of teams products services businesses and ecosystems. John Wiley & Sons.
Mollick, E. (2020). The Unicorn's Shadow: Comabting the dangeours myths that hold back startups, founders and investors. Wharton School Press.
Research element
Students will engage with a body of knowledge, forming critical opinion of suitability and applicability, and balancing different perspectives. Students will learn to be evidence-based, seeking rigour, reliability and repeatability in any analysis they undertake.
Examples of entrepreneurs and start-ups will be provided from different countries
Subject specific skills
Apply the fundamental concepts and analytical tools that help identify, assess opportunities and develop entrepreneurial ventures in real world business situations and opportunities.
Demonstrate skills in researching, developing, defining and clearly communicating a new business concept in an efficient, effective and compelling manner.
Transferable skills
Successfully work in teams in a multicultural and diverse setting by self-reflecting, negotiating with other group members, and dealing with conflict in a constructive way.
Demonstrate communication skills
Demonstrate IT skills
Study time
Type | Required |
Online learning (scheduled sessions) | 9 sessions of 1 hour (6%) |
Other activity | 18 hours (12%) |
Private study | 51 hours (34%) |
Assessment | 72 hours (48%) |
Total | 150 hours |
Private study description
No private study requirements defined for this module.
Other activity description
9 x hrs face-to-face workshops
No further costs have been identified for this module.
You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.
Assessment group A
Weighting | Study time | Eligible for self-certification | |
Assessment component |
Individual Assignment | 70% | 50 hours | Yes (extension) |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Group Project | 30% | 22 hours | Yes (extension) |
Group Project - video submission |
Reassessment component |
Individual assignment | Yes (extension) |
Feedback on assessment
Feedback will be provided through consultancy sessions run with module staff, as well through more traditional methods, for example feedback and support hours and assessment feedback.
Anti-requisite modules
If you take this module, you cannot also take:
- IB92E-15 Entrepreneurship and Business Venturing
There is currently no information about the courses for which this module is core or optional.