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IB9FS-15 Project Management

Warwick Business School
Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Anna Michalska
Credit value
Module duration
3 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry

Introductory description

There are two specific features about project management theory which make it a slightly different type of subject to most other academic modules. Firstly, the subject has its origins in large-scale, complex operations. This means that a large proportion of the published theory concerns the planning and control aspects of the management of such processes. Secondly, most of the concepts were developed in the heyday of the 1960s, where a lot of activity was taking place in the aerospace, defence, and construction sectors. This means that most of the basic literature is reasonably old and technically focused.
In the modern context, project management methods are now used for a much wider variety of applications including change management, Third World development programmes and IT based projects. As a consequence, this module aims to span a range of sectors and be as multi-disciplinary and as possible. The planning and control aspects of the module occupy only about 20% of the total time available.
During the module, we will explore Project, Programme and Portfolio management along with the concepts, tools and techniques that are commonly used in modern projects, and we will also take an in-depth critical look at current developments in the field. The way we teach is very practical, so you will get the chance to apply all of the tools we explore together and investigate many project-based case studies.

Module web page

Module aims

The modules aims are:
To develop understanding of current project and programme management approaches and to make comparisons with your own organisation.
To develop sensitivity to different project environments and to make comparisons and conclusions about them.
To increase your understanding of commercial and behavioural issues in the management of projects.
To provide experience of handling project management problems in a simulation setting.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

The course syllabus including the following items:
-Examines the project lifecycle theory
-Explores approaches to stakeholder management, using Fauvet’s theory of socio-dynamics to highlight the limitations of current approach to stakeholder management
-Looks at how project aims, objectives and scope are captures using a project initiation document
-Highlights risk management as a critical factor in the success of projects.
-Looks at approaches to estimation in projects
Explores critical path methodology as a mechanism for project control
Reviews the theory of constraints and critical chain theory
Examines project organisation, structure and teams
Reviews the importance of management and leadership in projects
Looks at project completion and review
Explores approaches to improving project performance

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of key terms and distinguish between projects, project management, programmes, project management methodology.
  • Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the options and solutions available to organisations for structuring their support and control arrangements for projects.
  • Critically evaluate the benefits and limitations of current project management techniques, situating the understanding both within the context of contemporary project management practice and also in the theories that underpin the subject

Indicative reading list

Texts may vary depending on MBA/MSc delivery:
Larson, E. W. & C. F. Gray (2021) Project Management: The Managerial Process (8th edn.) New York: McGraw-Hill Education
Varanini, F. (2019) Projects and Complexity. Routledge
Maylor, H. (2022) Project Management (5th edn) London: FT/Prentice Hall
Pidd, M. (2009) Tools for thinking: modelling in management science. Wiley
PMI (2013) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute
PMI (2013) The Standard for Program Management. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute
PMI (2013) The Standard for Portfolio Management. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute
APM (2012) APM Body of Knowledge. High Wycombe: Association of Project Management
Sowden, R. (2011) Managing Successful Programmes. Norwich: The Stationary Office
Bergland, S. and Cox, J. (2010) Velocity: Combining Lean, Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraints to Achieve Breakthrough Performance New York: Simon and Schuster
Boddy, D. (2002) Managing Projects: Building and Leading the Team Harlow: Pearson
Brookes, F. (1995) The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing
D’Herbemont, O. and Cesar, B. (1998) Managing Sensitive Projects Baskingstoke: Macmillan (Translation of 1996 text La Strategie du project lateral)
Kerzner, H. (2008) Project Management, A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling (9th edn) Chichester: John Wiley
PMI (2008) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute
APM (2006) APM Body of Knowledge High Wycombe: Association of Project Management. OGC (2009) PRINCE2 Norwich: The Stationary Office

Research element

Students will engage with a body of knowledge, forming critical opinion of suitability and applicability, and balancing different perspectives. Students will learn to be evidence-based, seeking rigour, reliability and repeatability in any analysis they undertake.


Embedded in the module are applied examples from manufacturing, construction, engineering and service industries; private, public and third sector organisations; and traditional and modern working environments


Three of our main four cases are international being set in Beijing, the USA and Canada. The fourth case is the simulation which is UK-based. Within our Project Management syllabus, we also include discussions on international remote team working and comms, and the cross-cultural usage of certain traditional tools, such as the use of RAG-status colour-coding and the RACI Matrix. These are tools which often struggle to work effectively in cross-cultural environments and thus students are encouraged to critically evaluate them and adapt them.

Subject specific skills

Demonstrate the ability to define, plan, monitor & control and closeout a simple project.
Apply appropriate project classification, estimation and selection models
Describe the tools and approaches applied by project managers to define, plan, monitor & control and closeout projects and understand the complexities and key issues within these stages across a range of project types.
Identify, assess, priortise and respond to project associated risk in organisations

Transferable skills

Demonstrate decision making skills
Demonstrate written communication skills
Demonstrate analytical skills
Demonstrate problem solving through analysis of cases

Study time

Type Required
Practical classes 7 sessions of 2 hours (9%)
Online learning (scheduled sessions) 8 sessions of 1 hour (5%)
Other activity 6 hours (4%)
Private study 48 hours (32%)
Assessment 74 hours (49%)
Total 150 hours

Private study description

Self study

Other activity description

1 x 6 hrs simulation Lab session


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Individual Assignment 70% 52 hours Yes (extension)
Reassessment component is the same
Assessment component
Group project - simulation 20% 15 hours Yes (extension)
Reassessment component
Individual Assignment Yes (extension)
Assessment component
Individual participation 10% 7 hours No
Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment

Assessments are graded using standard University Postgraduate Marking Criteria and written feedback is provided. Feedback for individual essays includes comments on a marksheet.

There is currently no information about the courses for which this module is core or optional.