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IB006-15 Academic Practice

Warwick Business School
Module leader
Richard White
Credit value
Module duration
10 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

To provide bespoke academic skill development and support for Foundation Year students on the BSc (with Foundation Year) in Accounting and Finance or Management.

To enable supportive learning transition between A level and BTEC qualifications and the requirements of Undergraduate study.

To familiarise students with the role(s) of the University and to develop an understanding of how they can engage meaningfully with University life in order to make the most of their experiences of HE.

To provide qualitative skills development in the following areas: active reading; critical analysis and reflexivity; communication and presentation skills; meaningful engagement with the my.wbs as an online learning platform; team-working; effective note-taking in lectures; engaging with group discussions and asking questions during seminars; engaging with case studies and management research; responsible use of AI tools; receiving, acting upon and giving constructive feedback.

Module web page

Module aims

To provide bespoke academic skill development and support for Foundation Year students on the BSc (with Foundation Year) in Accounting and Finance or Management.

To enable supportive learning transition between A level and BTEC qualifications and the requirements of Undergraduate study.

To familiarise students with the role(s) of the University and to develop an understanding of how they can engage meaningfully with University life in order to make the most of their experiences of HE.

To provide qualitative skills development in the following areas: active reading; critical analysis and reflexivity; communication and presentation skills; meaningful engagement with the my.wbs as an online learning platform; team-working; effective note-taking in lectures; engaging with group discussions and asking questions during seminars; engaging with case studies and management research; responsible use of AI tools; receiving, acting upon and giving constructive feedback.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

The module will equip Foundation Year students with key academic skills required for successful completion of WBS undergraduate degree programmes, with a focus on qualitative skill development. The module invites students to consider the University as a distinctive community of practice, relating this to their own emerging academic identity.. During interactive lectures they will engage with key debates in higher education, explore a short management case study and consider some of the key communication skills required when working in a team.

A central thread running through the module will be effective and ethical academic practice, including responsible use of AI tools, how to avoid plagiarism and how to identify a ‘good’ literature source. Students will be encouraged to become active readers, and to engage critically with key debates in higher education. They will also practise oral presentation and discussion skills, as well as giving and receiving feedback. These sessions are intended to help establish approaches that enable the cohort to engage with substantive material in this and other FY modules, as well as preparing them for undergraduate study

Indicative content includes:

The role(s) of the University and developing an academic identity
Teaching, learning and assessment methods in HE
Becoming an active reader
Receiving, using and giving meaningful feedback
Effective group work
Presentation skills - Engaging your audience
Communicating with clarity
Research skills: Using the library and literature searching
Finding your argument: using and evaluating evidence
The writing process: creating and planning
The writing process: Reviewing and editing
Academic integrity, referencing and plagiarism
Using AI tools responsibly
Engaging with management case studies
Engaging with management research
Reflective writing

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Critically reflect on the role(s) of Higher Education Institutions and their own academic identity.
  • Identify the components of effective academic writing and be able to complete different forms of verbal and written assessment.
  • Engage with and evaluate a range of teaching, learning and assessment methods.
  • Plan and Structuring Work.
  • Manage time.
  • Think critically.
  • Evaluate and apply evidence.
  • Solve problems.
Indicative reading list

Bassot, B (2020) The Reflective Journal (3rd Ed) London: Macmillan

Collini (2017) Speaking of Universities London: Verso

Holmes et al. Eds (2023) The Ethics of artificial Intelligence in Education: Practices, Challenges and Debates. New York: Routledge

M. Molesworth, R. Scullion, & E. Nixon (2011), The Marketisation of Higher Education and the Student as Consumer. London: Routledge

Northedge, A. (2005) The Good Study Guide. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Wallbank, A. (2022) Academic Writing and Dyslexia (2nd edition). London: Taylor Francis

Subject specific skills

Skills developed are primarily intended to support academic progress in other modules on the FY and in subsequent years of their chosen degree programmes. However, students will develop their ability to critically reflect upon the role(s) of the University.

Transferable skills

Produce critical assignments that demonstrate structural integrity, a sense of purpose and clear use of language.
Read critically for study, questioning sources and comparing different viewpoints on a topic.
Engage critically with sources, showing an ability to summarise, synthesise and evaluate materials as well as
acknowledge the original authors
Communicate effectively across different forms of delivery, both verbal and written.

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 10 sessions of 2 hours (13%)
Seminars 10 sessions of 1 hour (7%)
Private study 47 hours (31%)
Assessment 73 hours (49%)
Total 150 hours
Private study description

Private Study.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A3
Weighting Study time
Individual Assignment 70% 51 hours
Group Presentation 30% 22 hours

Group Presentation (15 mins video presentation including Q+A with 1000 word report

Feedback on assessment

Feedback will be provided via my.wbs.


This module is Core for:

  • UIBA-N404 Undergraduate Accounting and Finance (with Foundation Year and Placement/Undergraduate Partnership Programme)
    • Year 1 of N404 Accounting and Finance (Foundation Year and Placement)
    • Year 1 of N405 Accounting and Finance (Foundation Year and UPP)
    • Year 1 of N403 Accounting and Finance (with Foundation Year)
  • Year 1 of UIBA-N403 Undergraduate Accounting and Finance (with Foundation Year)
  • UIBA-N220 Undergraduate International Management (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N220 International Management (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N221 International Management with Accounting (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N226 International Management with Chinese (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N223 International Management with Digital Business (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N224 International Management with Entrepreneurship (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N222 International Management with Finance (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N227 International Management with French (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N225 International Management with Marketing (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N228 International Management with Spanish (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N229 International Management with Strategy and Organisation (with Foundation Year)
  • UIBA-N20J Undergraduate Management (with Foundation Year and Placement Year/Undergraduate Partnership Programme)
    • Year 1 of N20J Management (Foundation Year and Placement)
    • Year 1 of N20K Management (Foundation Year and UPP)
    • Year 1 of N23H Management with Digital Business (with Foundation Year and Placement Year)
    • Year 1 of N23J Management with Entrepreneurship (with Foundation Year and Placement Year)
    • Year 1 of N23G Management with Finance (with Foundation Year and Placement Year)
    • Year 1 of N255 Management with Marketing (with Foundation Year and Placement Year)
  • UIBA-N20E Undergraduate Management (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N20E Management (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N23N Management with Accounting (with Foundation Year and Placement Year)
    • Year 1 of N23M Management with Accounting (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N23E Management with Digital Business (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N23F Management with Entrepreneurship (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N23D Management with Finance (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N252 Management with Marketing
    • Year 1 of N254 Management with Marketing (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 1 of N23P Management with Strategy and Organisation (with Foundation Year)