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FP057-30 English for Academic Purposes for Science and Engineering

Warwick Foundation Studies
Module leader
Cleo Tilley
Credit value
Module duration
20 weeks
50% coursework, 50% exam
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

FP-8492 English for Academic Purposes for Science and Engineering is designed to help students develop academic listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to succeed in related undergraduate courses in the United Kingdom.

Module aims
  1. To develop academic reading and listening skills required for science and engineering disciplines.
  2. To develop a clear and concise academic writing style appropriate for scientists and engineers.
  3. To develop oracy skills to participate effectively in student-led seminar discussions using visual aids.
  4. To introduce academic vocabulary learning strategies and expand vocabulary related to science and engineering disciplines.
  5. To introduce students to academic conventions for scientists and engineers and develop these skills for writing and speaking assignments.
Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS: Structuring a presentation + Formulating a thesis for a presentation + Using attention-getters + Supporting your ideas with explanation, evidence and examples + Using and synthesising sources effectively + Using techniques: pausing and pacing; rhetorical questions + Creating effective visual aids including a Reference List + Asking and answering questions.

SEMINAR DISCUSSIONS: Identifying the qualities of a good seminar participant + Taking turns effectively + Giving reasons to support your ideas and critically examining ideas and views expressed + Seeking information and clarifying through questions + Building on the views of others + Considering different perspectives + Maintaining focus on task and time management + Using and synthesising sources effectively.

ACADEMIC LISTENING: Considering factors influencing the ability to understand listening texts + Identifying different types of listening texts + Evaluating listening materials + Previewing a listening text and formulating pre-listening questions + Using different sections of a listening text to increase understanding of the main ideas + Taking notes (using abbreviations and symbols) + Using note-taking systems + Summarising notes effectively + Dealing with digressions (for example, in TED Talks).

ACADEMIC READING: Considering factors influencing the ability to understand reading texts + Identifying different types of reading texts (for examples, an article in the New Scientist) + Evaluating reading materials + Previewing a reading text and formulating pre-reading questions + Using different sections of a reading text to increase understanding of the main ideas + Dealing with difficult words and sentences + Using note-taking systems + Summarising notes effectively + Developing extensive reading strategies.

ACADEMIC WRITING: Planning and structuring a written assignment + Writing an introduction + Writing topic sentences + Citing sources and writing a Reference List + Paraphrasing and summarising + Synthesising sources + Describing problems and solutions + Evaluating ideas and/or data + Drawing conclusions + Analysing reasons (expressing cause and effect) + Classifying information + Using symbols and presenting numerical data + Expanding the range of grammatical structures at sentence and paragraph level, including the active and passive voice, tenses and punctuation + Expanding the range of academic vocabulary using features such as synonymy and collocation + Using techniques to improve coherence and cohesion + Using proofreading techniques to improve precision and accuracy.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Analyse, interpret and evaluate spoken and written discourse for the study of Science and Engineering.
  • Synthesise relevant information/data to produce discipline specific written or spoken genres incorporating own ideas.
  • Communicate effectively in written and spoken genres, employing academic conventions relevant to the discipline.
Indicative reading list

Hewings, M. and Thaine, C. (2012) Cambridge Academic English Advanced Student’s Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hewings, M. (2012) Cambridge Academic English Upper Intermediate Student’s Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Van Emden, J., and Becker, L. (2018) Writing for Engineers. 4th Ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Glasman-Deal, H. (2010) Science Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers Of English: A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English. London: Imperial College Press.
New Scientist. Available from:
Nature. Available from:

View reading list on Talis Aspire


The seminar groups consist of a mix of students studying 3 IFP modules related to science and engineering: Life Science, Psychology, and Engineering. Students will have the opportunity to draw on knowledge and skills acquired within the different modules on their pathway.


The international nature of the student cohort allows for the teaching and learning to be approached from, and inclusive of, a range of international perspectives.

Subject specific skills

Academic listening, reading, speaking and writing skills appropriate to Science and Engineering disciplines.
Information literacy skills for the study of Science and Engineering disciplines.
Academic integrity within Science and Engineering disciplines.
Critical thinking within Science and Engineering disciplines.
Vocabulary building for the study of Science and Engineering disciplines.

Transferable skills

Academic listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.
Information literacy skills.
Academic integrity.
Critical thinking.
Vocabulary building.

Study time

Type Required
Seminars 100 sessions of 1 hour (33%)
Private study 140 hours (47%)
Assessment 60 hours (20%)
Total 300 hours
Private study description

Background reading prior to classes, research for written
assignments, completion of assessments and examination preparation


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group C1
Weighting Study time
S-P-S-E Essay 25% 15 hours

An S-P-S-E essay (Situation-Problem-Solution-Evaluation) on a topic related to the discipline of Science and Engineering.

Student-led Seminar 25% 15 hours

Individual student presentations leading to a group discussion on a topic appropriate to the discipline.

Listening Assessment 25% 15 hours

Students listen to and summarize (a) spoken text(s).

Reading Assessment 25% 15 hours

Students read and summarize (a) written text(s).

Feedback on assessment

Written feedback

Past exam papers for FP057


This module is Core for:

  • FIOE Warwick International Foundation Programme
    • Year 1 of FP19 Warwick International Foundation Programme - Engineering
    • Year 1 of FP21 Warwick International Foundation Programme - Life Sciences
    • Year 1 of FP22 Warwick International Foundation Programme - Psychology