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FP026-30 English for Academic Purposes for Business & Finance

Warwick Foundation Studies
Module leader
Ian Pemberton
Credit value
Module duration
20 weeks
50% coursework, 50% exam
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

FP026-30 English for Academic Purposes for Business.
The core purpose of the EAP for Business module is to enhance students' achievement in their academic subjects. The module helps students to understand more of what they read and listen to, and to express their ideas coherently and concisely in speech and writing.

Module web page

Module aims
  • Make students aware of a variety of techniques to analyse texts so they can understand them better.
  • Make students aware of strategies to listen to lectures more effectively.
  • Develop students ability to produce written genres appropriate to their academic subjects.
  • Develop students ability to give effective engaging presentations, and to skilfully express their opinions and respond to others in group seminar discussions.
Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.


  1. Writing in a formal and impersonal academic style
  2. Interpreting assignment titles and using grading guidelines
  3. Organising subject-specific written genres (essay or report)
  4. Writing introductions (including writing a thesis statement)
  5. Writing a literature review
  6. Making observations and writing topic sentences
  7. Citing sources (including integral and non-integral citations)
  8. Paraphrasing
  9. Summarising
  10. Synthesising ideas
  11. Describing methodology
  12. Describing results
  13. Discussion: analysing reasons (expressing cause and effect)
  14. Discussion: evaluating ideas / data / results
  15. Discussion: expressing caution (hedging)
  16. Drawing conclusions
  17. Conceding limitations and making recommendations
  18. Writing a reference list
  19. Classifying information
  20. Describing problems and solutions


  1. Reading textbooks
  2. Reading research reports
  3. Evaluating reading materials
  4. Surveying a text and formulating focus questions
  5. Using grammatical cohesive markers to understand a text
  6. Using lexical cohesive markers to understand the text
  7. Note-making: Concept mapping
  8. Note making: Using logical connectors to make linear notes
  9. Recounting a text


  1. Structuring a presentation
  2. Formulating a thesis for a presentation
  3. Using attention-getters
  4. Supporting your main points with explanation, evidence and examples
  5. Referring to sources and including a reference list
  6. Using basic techniques: pausing and pacing
  7. Using emphasis
  8. Using repetition
  9. Creating PowerPoint slides
  10. Asking and answering questions


  1. Identifying the qualities a good seminar participant
  2. Interrupting appropriately
  3. Making arguments
  4. Making refutations and rebuttals
  5. Considering different perspectives
  6. Clarifying and confirming understanding
  7. Referring to what other speakers have said
  8. Behaviours that negatively affect seminars: monopolisation and alpha pairs
  9. Using written sources


  1. Consider factors influencing the ability to understand lectures
  2. Identifying and using the overall organization of lectures
  3. Using the main features of an introduction to increase comprehension
  4. Note-taking (using abbreviations and symbols)
  5. Note-taking (the Cornell system)
  6. Summarising notes
  7. Recognising main ideas
  8. Following argument
  9. Dealing with digressions
  10. Using the main features of conclusions to increase comprehension
Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Analyse, interpret and evaluate spoken and written discourse for the study of Business, Management and Finance
  • Synthesise relevant information/data to produce discipline specific written or spoken genres incorporating own ideas
  • Communicate effectively in written and spoken genres and employ academic conventions appropriate to the study of Business Management and Finance
Indicative reading list

Bailey, S. (2015). Academic Writing for International Students of Business (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.
Corballis, T. and Jennings, W. (2009). English for Management Studies. Reading: Garnet.
Taylor Ellison, P. (2006). Business English for the 21st century. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Walker, C. and Harvey, P. (2008). English for Business Studies in Higher Education Studies. Reading: Garnet.


Students will have opportunities to draw on knowledge and skills acquired within the different modules on their pathway.


The international nature of the student cohort allows for the teaching and learning to be approached from and inclusive of a range of international perspectives.

Subject specific skills
  1. Strategies to read discipline specific genres effectively.
  2. Strategies to listen to discipline specific genres effectively.
  3. Techniques to produce coherent discipline-specific written genres.
  4. Techniques to deliver an effective and engaging presentation.
  5. Strategies to participate effectively in a seminar discussion.
Transferable skills
  1. Information literacy skills - library skills and effective internet searching.
  2. Group work skills.
  3. Independent study skills - planning and time management.
  4. Academic integrity.
  5. Strategies to read different genres effectively.
  6. Strategies to listen to different genres effectively.
  7. Techniques to deliver an effective and engaging presentation.
  8. Strategies to participate effectively in a small-group discussion.

Study time

Type Required
Seminars 100 sessions of 1 hour (33%)
Private study 140 hours (47%)
Assessment 60 hours (20%)
Total 300 hours
Private study description

Background reading prior to classes, research for written
assignments, completion of assessments and examination preparation


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group C1
Weighting Study time
Student-led seminar 25% 15 hours

Individual student presentations leading to a group discussion on a topic appropriate to the discipline.

Literature Review 25% 15 hours

Read research reports and review literature on an appropriate topic.

Listening Assessment 25% 15 hours

Students listen to and summarize (a) spoken text(s).

Reading Assessment 25% 15 hours

Students read and summarize (a) written text(s)

Feedback on assessment

Written feedback

Past exam papers for FP026


This module is Core for:

  • FIOE Warwick International Foundation Programme
    • Year 1 of FP14 Warwick International Foundation Programme - Business Management
    • Year 1 of FP15 Warwick International Foundation Programme - Finance

This module is Core optional for:

  • Year 1 of FIOE Warwick International Foundation Programme