ES3G3-30 Structural Engineering Project
Introductory description
ES3G3-30 Structural Engineering Project
Module aims
The aim of the module is to provide an experience of performing a work-related project on an individual basis (projects will be supervised on a group basis and involve group interaction without influencing an individual character). Students will have the opportunity to apply and demonstrate their capabilities (engineering knowledge, initiative, self-motivation, enthusiasm) to plan, carry out, and control an open-ended design project in civil engineering. Students will enhance their writing, oral, and communication skills through preliminary writing of a proposal, writing interim and final reports that conform to predefined specifications, and giving an oral presentation under specific time constraints. The module will provide students with a simulated experience of working as professional engineers in an industrial organisation.
Outline syllabus
This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.
Definition of a realistic structural work-related project (e.g. building, skyscraper bridge) through a
design brief that is characterized by diverse and contradictory aspirations as well as numerous (and
often obscure) constraints that offer the opportunity of various solutions to emerge based on
subjective and challenging judgements. Assessment of the design brief with emphasis on the
location, architectural and service requirements of the project. Methods to expand on the design
brief by gathering all the required information and data relevant to environmental and planning
issues, site conditions, material suppliers, collaborators, specialists and other contractors. Synthesis
of all available information to define a set of clear objectives against which a design solution should
be tested. ‘Think outside the box’ and renegotiate those constraints of the design brief that prevent
an optimum design solution to emerge. Conceptual design and use of sketches prepared to scale
to describe a solution for the structural system and how loads are transferred to foundations.
Choice of structural materials, preliminary design of structural members, an approximate method
of analysis. 3D linear elastic analysis using structural analysis software. Structural Eurocodes,
resistance of members, loads, load combinations, serviceability, and ultimate limit states.
Engineering drawings, drawing conventions, tolerances, limits and fits, assemblies, and CAD
applications. Sustainability in design and construction, green economy, and assessment of design
solution using a set of criteria of the low-carbon agenda.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the module, students should be able to:
- Choose a concept for a structural system (“conceptual design”) that satisfies the location, architectural, and service requirements of a construction project (e.g. bridge, stadium, building, etc)
- Appreciate the concept of a structural system using sketches prepared to scale
- Critically assess structural materials (e.g. concrete, steel) and their mechanical properties (e.g. strength) for the structural members of a structure
- Make reasonable initial estimations for the geometry, dimensions, and cross-section size of structural elements (e.g. beams, columns, foundations, etc.)
- Synthesize design calculations and engineering drawings.
- Demonstrate critical awareness of health and safety and sustainability in design and construction
- Deliver a design that conforms to a detailed specification and in accordance with standards and regulations
- Demonstrate coherently constructed ideas and information, communicated for a range of work/practice and/or academic audiences
- The ability to lead and take responsibility for the management of individual learning demonstrated in individual work/practice contexts.
Indicative reading list
C. Arya. Design of structural elements. Taylor and Francis, 2005. QC 137.A7
M.Y.H. Bangash. Structural details in concrete, Blackwell, 1992. QC 137.4.B2
K.S. Elliott. Multi-storey precast concrete framed structures, 1996. QC 137.4.E5
E.H. Gaylord et al. International Structural Engineering Handbook, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1997, QC137.S8
I.A. MacLeod. Modern Structural Analysis. T. Telford, 2005. QC 137.M2
M. Millais. Building structures: from concepts to design. 2nd Ed. Taylor and Francis, 2005. TH 854.M4
M.J. Ryall et al. (Eds). Manual of Bridge Engineering. 2000. TG 300.M2
Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete, 3rd ed. (3-day loan), Institution of Structural Engineers,
2006. QC 137.4 S8
BS EN 1990: 2002. Basis of Design
BS EN 1991-1-1: 2002. Actions on Structures (General Actions; Imposed Loads for Buildings) BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004. Design of Concrete Structures BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005. Design of Steel Structures BS EN 1994-1-1: 2006. Design of Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete BS 5400: Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges: -- Part 2: 1978. Specification for Loads. -- Part 3: 1982. Code of Practice for Design of Steel Bridges. -- Part 4: 1990. Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Bridges. BS 8110: Part 1, Structural use of concrete, 1985. (In SRC; ask at the Help Desk) BS 1192: Construction Drawing Practice: - Part 1: 1984. Recommendations for General Principles
Subject specific skills
No subject specific skills defined for this module.
Transferable skills
No transferable skills defined for this module.
Study time
Type | Required |
Lectures | 18 sessions of 1 hour (6%) |
Other activity | 28 hours (9%) |
Private study | 254 hours (85%) |
Total | 300 hours |
Private study description
254 hours of private study
Other activity description
28 hours of group tutorials.
No further costs have been identified for this module.
You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.
Assessment group A1
Weighting | Study time | Eligible for self-certification | |
Assessment component |
Interim individual report | 20% | No | |
Interim individual report (15 pages) |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Final individual report | 50% | No | |
Final individual report (30 pages) |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Individual oral presentation | 20% | No | |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Logbook | 10% | No | |
Reassessment component is the same |
Feedback on assessment
Detailed marking and feedback on assignments (interim report, final report, logbook, oral
presentation). Verbal feedback during tutorials.
This module is Core for:
- Year 3 of DESA-H221 Undergraduate Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (Non-integrated Degree Apprenticeship)