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EQ203-15 Globalisation and Education

Education Studies
Undergraduate Level 2
Module leader
Michael Wyness
Credit value
Module duration
10 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry

Introductory description

This module will explore models, concepts and themes relating to processes of globalisation and schooling. The module will pick up on a number of debates and issues in relating to how attempts have been made to homogenise formal education globally, or at least move towards more universal provision at a number of different levels. This will involve analyses of the political, economic and socio-cultural dimensions of globalisation as it affects education; it goes on and explores the idea of children's global human rights. The module will also examine a number of problems affecting children and their schooling globally. These include poverty and inequality; ill-health and civil war. The module picks up on novel and diverse approaches to these adversities often instigated by children themselves.

Module web page

Module aims

To develop a deeper understanding of globalisation as it applies to children and education

  • To critically examine the global political and social contexts to children’s schooling
  • To focus on the global diversity of approaches to schooling
  • To explore the different ways that children engage with their schooling in conditions of adversity

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

Indicative content:

globalisation: a conceptual discussion

education and schooling as global standards

global trends in the eary years

the student as a global citizen

global diversity -obstacles and differences

child labour and schooling

Possible case studies
Schooling and 'left behind' Children in China

the introduction of early years education in Ghana Children, politics and education in South Africa the rise of faith schools civil war and the fractured provision of schooling children, schooling and the AIDS pandemic

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Students will develop an informed understanding of the nature of education in a global context and be able to compare and contrast education systems in different countries.

Indicative reading list

Wyness, M. (2018) Childhood, Culture and Society in a global context, London: Sage.
Boyden, J. and Bourdillon, M. (eds) (2012) Childhood Poverty: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches, Basingstoke: Blackwell
Hevener Kaufman, N and Rizzini, I. (eds) (2002) Globalization and children: exploring potentials for enhancing opportunities in the lives of children and youth, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
Cohen, R. and Kennedy, P. (2007) Global Sociology, second edition, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Tsegaye, S. (2009) Orphanhood in Africa: Old Problems and New Faces, African Child Policy Forum
Wyness, M. (2019) Childhood and Society, Third Edition, Basingstoke: Palgrave.

View reading list on Talis Aspire

Subject specific skills

Students should demonstrate a critical understanding of -

the complexity of the interaction between learning and local and global contexts, and the extent to which participants (including learners and teachers) can influence the learning process

theories, practice and research in the area of education.

the significance of the cultural, historical and contemporary features of various policies, institutions and agencies in regard to childhood

the interrelationships between political, economic, cultural and ideological contexts in the lives of children and their families and communities as it relates to education and globalisation

Transferable skills

A number of skills are developed in this module. They include

  • Analysis and decision making
  • Cognitive flexibility
  • Communication skills
  • Complex problem solving
  • Confidence
  • Coordinating with others
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Data handling
  • Initiative and also follow instructions
  • Intellectual ability
  • International cultural awareness
  • Interpersonal and communication
  • Judgement and decision making
  • Management of learning

Study time

Type Required Optional
Lectures 10 sessions of 1 hour (7%)
Seminars 10 sessions of 2 hours (13%)
Tutorials (0%) 1 session of 15 minutes
Private study 90 hours (60%)
Assessment 30 hours (20%)
Total 150 hours

Private study description

Independent study hours include background reading, completing reading/other tasks in preparation for timetabled teaching sessions, undertaking research using the library resources, follow-up reading work, working on individual and group projects, the completion of formative and summative assignments, revision


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A2
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Essay 100% 30 hours Yes (extension)

3000 word essay chosen from list of titles provided by the module leader.

Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment

Individual essay feedback


This module is Core for:

  • Year 2 of UEQA-X35B Undergraduate Education Studies

This module is Core optional for:

  • Year 2 of UIPA-XL38 Undergraduate Education Studies and Global Sustainable Development
  • Year 2 of UPSA-C804 Undergraduate Psychology with Education Studies