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ES93B-15 Personal Leadership and Influencing Change

Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Bhagavathy Ramachandran
Credit value
Module duration
1 week
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

The aim of this module is to provide participants with the opportunity and resources to determine their own learning needs to enable them to develop as an authentic leader.

Participants should be able to develop skills in learning to learn and promoting self-responsibility and to specifically address behavioural issues that limit individual achievement and develop solutions that allow participants to achieve higher performance in the workplace.

Module aims

The aim of this module is to provide participants with the opportunity and resources to determine their own learning needs to enable them to develop as an authentic leader.

Participants should be able to develop skills in learning to learn and promoting self-responsibility and to specifically address behavioural issues that limit individual achievement and develop solutions that allow participants to achieve higher performance in the workplace.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

  • Individual responsibility for growth and development
  • Understanding personal learning needs and ways of learning
  • Recognising and resolving personal blocks
  • How to choose and use key skills for effective behaviour
  • Exercises with feedback
  • How to develop and maintain personal excellence
Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Commit to taking personal responsibility for learning and behaviour
  • Evaluate and practice effective behaviour in a range of settings
  • Interpret their own behavioural preferences and practice how to approach differences in behavioural preferences in others
  • Critique personal performance barriers and identify creative ways to deal with them
  • Demonstrate independent choices and creative use of appropriate skills & behaviours
  • Apply knowledge and skills to better manage organisational complexity and ambiguity
  • Implement a personal plan of continued skills improvement and self-directed learning
Indicative reading list

Why should anyone be led by You. R Goffee & G Jones. Harvard Business School Press. 2015.

Incredible Customer Service. David Freemantle. Mc Graw-Hill. 1994.

TA Today. Ian Stewart & Vann Joines. Lifespace Publishing. 2012.

The Art of Possibility. Zander & Zander. Harvard Business School Press. 2006.

The Seven habits of Highly Effective People Steven. Covey Simon & Schuster. NY. 2014.

Subject specific skills


Transferable skills

Critical thinking, problem solving, self-awareness, communication (verbal and written), teamwork and working effectively with other, information literacy (research skills), ethical values, intercultural awareness, professionalism and organisational awareness.

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 41 sessions of 30 minutes (13%)
Seminars 20 sessions of 1 hour (13%)
Work-based learning 39 sessions of 30 minutes (13%)
Assessment 90 hours (60%)
Total 150 hours
Private study description

No private study requirements defined for this module.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A1
Weighting Study time
Assessed work as specified by department 100% 90 hours

A 6,000-word assessed essay.

Assessment group R
Weighting Study time
Assessed as work as specified by department 100%

100% Assignment

Feedback on assessment

Immediate oral feedback will be provided after case studies / practical workshops, which will be
focussed upon the learning targets of each session. Feedback will also be provided to any
questions which arise from students with the lecture session.

Written feedback of approximately 150-250 words will be provided for the Post-Module
Assignment within a four week period after the date of submission. This feedback will be focussed
upon the strengths and weaknesses of the work with regard to the module learning objectives
and the post-module assignment marking guidelines. Suggestions for improvement will also be


This module is Core option list A for:

  • Year 1 of TWMS-H7BG Postgraduate Supply Chain and Logistics Management (awarded jointly with Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • Year 1 of TESS-H7PE Postgraduate Taught Supply Chain and Logistics Management (Overseas and Self-Financing)

This module is Option list A for:

  • Year 1 of TESA-H7PD Postgraduate Taught Supply Chain and Logistics Management (Home Fees)