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EP318-15 Introduction to Secondary History Teaching

Centre for Teacher Education
Undergraduate Level 3
Module leader
Holly Heshmati
Credit value
Module duration
10 weeks
100% coursework
Study locations
  • University of Warwick main campus, Coventry Primary
  • School Placement

Introductory description

This module takes place in term 1 and/or 2 and is specially designed to introduce you to History curriculum and pedagogy in the Secondary school age range. You will explore your subject from a new perspective through engaging sessions at university led by teaching fellows and visiting teachers and have opportunity to support teaching and learning in practice through creating teaching and learning resources for schools in partnership. Through engagement in History education you will have the opportunity to raise awareness of and encourage engagement with History education within the local community.
The module is hosted by the Centre for Teacher Education (currently rated 'Outstanding' by OFSTED). Anyone who
completes the module is automatically eligible for an interview for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
initial teacher training course (providing all entry requirements for Initial Teacher Training are met).

Module aims

  1. To develop knowledge and understanding about the UK education system and what it is like to be a secondary
    History teacher.
  2. To develop knowledge and understanding of History education.
  3. To develop key transferable skills through engagement with 11-18 education.
  4. To develop skills in personal reflection on professional practice.
  5. To relate educational theory to education practice.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

The theory which underpins the practice of History teaching is explored through seminars led by CTE Teaching
Fellows. The seminars begin by discussing the current context of the UK education system and national curriculum
before exploring a range of key themes in education such as how students learn, how ideas develop in the school
curriculum and using assessment for learning and specific aspects of pedagogy relating to the teaching of History.
As part of the module you engage in History education through developing materials, resources and teaching approaches to support learning in History. You will develop your practical understanding of the teaching of History. Indicative activities might include: developing learning resources, providing exemplar materials to a professional brief, producing online learning resources. To prepare for and support you for this you will participate a series of workshops at the university. These are highly interactive, practice based sessions, delivered by university tutors and visiting teachers from local secondary schools. Sessions cover topics such as pitching and sequencing resources to support learning, overcoming barriers to learning and effective questioning.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Critically analyse and reflect on key issues in History education in school.
  • Critically reflect on practice in teaching History in school.
  • Apply learning theory to school History teaching practices.
  • Demonstrate professional skills in collaboration and effective communication with young people.

Indicative reading list

The reading list held by the University Library (via TALIS Aspire) will be kept up to date in accordance with developments in the subject area.


Through exploring the teaching and pedagogy of your subject you will consider and build connections between your
subject, educational theory, the psychology of learning and cognition and also consider elements of policy, society
and sociology. You will develop your written communication skills in producing both academic and professional
evidence-informed rationales for practice.

Subject specific skills

You will develop skills relevant for teaching and the development of practice such as communication, collaboration
and reflection. You will also develop skills relevant to the academic study of education such as analysis and critique.
The module will also develop your skills in the pedagogy of your subject.

Transferable skills

Critical Thinking- Reasoning and Problem Solving- Active Lifelong Learning -Communication (verbal and written)-
Teamwork and working effectively with others- Information literacy (research skills)- ICT Literacy- Citizenship (local and global)- Ethical Values- Intercultural learning and diversity awareness- Professionalism- Organisational awareness

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 2 sessions of 1 hour (1%)
Seminars 7 sessions of 2 hours (9%)
Practical classes 7 sessions of 2 hours (9%)
Assessment 120 hours (80%)
Total 150 hours

Private study description

No private study requirements defined for this module.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Critical review on an issue in History Education 50% 60 hours Yes (extension)

A short (1000 word, approximately 4 sources) annotated bibliography on a chosen issue in History Education followed by a 500 word discussion and conclusion on the implications for teaching History.

Reassessment component is the same
Assessment component
Academic Poster 50% 60 hours Yes (extension)

A poster presentation of a learning resource, artefact or materials designed to support children's learning in History with a supporting rationale relating to , secondary History curriculum, learning or pedagogic theory.

Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment

Formative: During the course of the module students will have the opportunity to submit one annotated bibliography
and their planning sheet for the academic poster for either written or audio feedback.
Summative: A written feedback sheet and in-text comments will be provided on each component.


This module is Optional for:

  • RHIA-V1P0 Postgraduate Research History
    • Year 2 of V1P0 History
    • Year 2 of V1P0 History
    • Year 2 of V1P0 History
    • Year 2 of V1P0 History
    • Year 2 of V1P0 History
    • Year 2 of V1P0M History
    • Year 2 of V1PQC History (co-tutelle with Institute of Political Studies in Paris)
    • Year 2 of V1PQ History (co-tutelle with Sorbonne Université)
    • Year 3 of V1P0 History
    • Year 3 of V1P0 History
    • Year 3 of V1P0 History
    • Year 3 of V1P0 History
    • Year 3 of V1P0 History
    • Year 3 of V1P0M History
    • Year 3 of V1PQC History (co-tutelle with Institute of Political Studies in Paris)
    • Year 3 of V1PQ History (co-tutelle with Sorbonne Université)
  • Year 2 of UCXA-VV16 Undergraduate Ancient History and Classical Archaeology
  • Year 3 of UCXA-VV19 Undergraduate Ancient History and Classical Archaeology with Study Abroad
  • UPDA-Y302 Undergraduate Historical Studies
    • Year 2 of Y302 Historical Studies
    • Year 3 of Y302 Historical Studies
  • UHIA-VM11 Undergraduate History and Politics
    • Year 2 of VM11 History and Politics
    • Year 2 of VM11 History and Politics
    • Year 2 of VM11 History and Politics
    • Year 3 of VM11 History and Politics
    • Year 3 of VM11 History and Politics
    • Year 3 of VM11 History and Politics
  • UHIA-VL13 Undergraduate History and Sociology
    • Year 2 of VL13 History and Sociology
    • Year 3 of VL13 History and Sociology
  • Year 3 of UAMA-V230 Undergraduate History, Literature and Cultures of the Americas
  • Year 2 of UAMA-V231 Undergraduate History, Literature and Cultures of the Americas