MD1A2-30 Integrated Science | Atoms and Molecules
Introductory description
MD1A2-12/MD1A3-12 - Integrated Science Atoms and Molecules
Module aims
The module aims to equip students with the conceptual, theoretical and computational skills required for the analysis and engineering of atomic and molecular systems, with an emphasis on biomolecules. Students will learn to solve scientific problems and perform lab practicals in this area by integrating concepts and approaches from different scientific disciplines, including biology, physics, chemistry and computing, with the underlying mathematics serving as a common language.
Outline syllabus
This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.
Block 3 Chemistry of life
Block 3 is about the molecules of life. We'll look at the physics that holds them together, at the chemistry by which they react in watery solution and at their structures, motions and reactivities. In the lab, we will engineer artificial cytoplasm in different versions, and quantify how good a job each of these viscous solutions does in supporting life-like reactions of different types.
- Hierarchical structure of biological molecules
- Role of water in biology
- Rules governing the motions of atoms and molecules in solution
- Reaction kinetics
- Operating the eduWOSM microscope
- Running experiments in lifelike solutions
- Obtaining the progress curves of reactions
- Analysing data and writing an accurate and compelling paper
Block 4 Self-organisation
Block 4 is about self-organisation. We will discuss a very important phenomenon for all living matter: how to generate large scale and defined structures out of a bunch of individual proteins. This includes the polymerisation of proteins into larger units as well as the self-organisation of such units into larger structures. As an example, we will study actin and myosin, two key components of the cell cytoskeleton, in the classroom as well as in the lab.
- Principles of self-organisation and biological examples
- Newton mechanics of biological polymers
- Molecular motors
- Active mechanics and self-organisation in the cell cortex
- Basics of handling and fluorescent labelling of proteins.
- How to generate actin – myosin networks in vitro.
- Imaging and quantification of actin filament dynamics.
Block 5 Mathematical Skills
This block focuses on revising and extending student's A-level skills in Mathematics, including computational skills required for plotting and fitting data.
- Basic statistics
- Calculus
- Trigonometry
- ODEs
- Linear Algebra
Dry Labs
- Formula handling
- Calculus
- Linear Algebra
- Statistics
- Waves
Learning outcomes
By the end of the module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to apply creative analytical thinking in order to frame incisive, tractable scientific questions, especially about the structures, functions and mechanisms of the atoms and molecules of living systems
- Demonstrate a grasp of physical law as it applies to the structures, reactivities and behaviours of atoms and molecules, especially biomolecules
- Use mathematical approaches to solve problems relating to biomolecular structures, functions, and reactivities.
- Explain the organisation of biomolecules.
- Describe the mechanisms by which biomolecules self-organise in cells
- Demonstrate the hands-on practical skills required to perform experimental tests of tractable scientific questions, especially about the structures, functions and reactions of the molecular building blocks of living systems.
- Demonstrate the ability to accurately record experimental procedures and results, in appropriate detail, using open source electronic notebooks
- Use computational data analysis techniques and statistical approaches to analyse data
- Access and use the scientific literature effectively
- Interpret and explain experimental data relating to the chemistry of life and the self-organisation of biological molecules.
- Demonstrate the writing skills required to report experimental results in the format of a scientific paper, including the ability to write an abstract, to write a short critical review of the relevant literature, present results in an appropriate format and detail with appropriate statistics, discuss the results and frame a clear conclusion.
Indicative reading list
Molecular cell biology Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2014. Bruce Alberts et al ISBN: 9780815344322
Cell Biology by the Numbers Milo and Phillips, Garland Science (2015), ISBN-10 : 0815345372
Physical Biology of the Cell, Phillips et al, Garland Science (2013), ISBN-10 : 9780815344506
Math notes on Trigonometry, Basic Calculus, Complex Numbers, Taylor Series and Fourier Transform (
View reading list on Talis Aspire
Students will learn to solve scientific problems about atoms and molecules by integrating concepts and approaches from different scientific disciplines, including biology, physics, chemistry and computing, with the underlying mathematics serving as a common language.
Subject specific skills
The ability to apply creative analytical thinking in order to frame incisive, tractable scientific questions, especially about the structures, functions and mechanisms of the atoms and molecules of living systems
A grasp of physical law as it applies to the structures, reactivities and behaviours of atoms and molecules, especially biomolecules
Mathematical skills to solve problems relating to biomolecular structures, functions and reactivities
The ability to explain the organisation of biomolecules
The ability to describe the mechanisms by which biomolecules self-organise in cells
The ability to perform experimental tests of tractable scientific questions, especially about the structures, functions and reactions of the molecular building blocks of living systems, using light microscopy
The hands-on practical skills required to perform experiments
The ability to interpret and explain experimental data relating to the chemistry of life and the self-organisation of biological molecules.
Transferable skills
Usage of mathematical and computational approaches to solve problems
A grasp of safety rules and an ability to work safely in the laboratory environment
The skills to accurately record experimental procedures and results, in appropriate detail
The skills to use computational and statistical approaches to analyse data
The skills to access and use the scientific literature effectively
The writing skills required to report experimental results in the format of a scientific paper
Study time
Type | Required | Optional |
Lectures | 24 sessions of 2 hours (16%) | |
Tutorials | (0%) | 6 sessions of 2 hours |
Supervised practical classes | 24 sessions of 3 hours (24%) | |
Private study | 102 hours (34%) | |
Assessment | 78 hours (26%) | |
Total | 300 hours |
Private study description
Self-directed study and writing lab reports
No further costs have been identified for this module.
You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.
Assessment group D1
Weighting | Study time | Eligible for self-certification | |
Assessment component |
Laboratory report 1 | 20% | 20 hours | Yes (extension) |
Written report |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Laboratory report 2 | 20% | 20 hours | Yes (extension) |
Written report |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Laboratory report 3 | 20% | 20 hours | Yes (extension) |
Written report |
Reassessment component is the same |
Assessment component |
Written Examinations | 40% | 18 hours | No |
Reassessment component is the same |
Feedback on assessment
Written feedback will be provided for all submitted work. Further verbal feedback will be given to students on request.
This module is Core for:
- Year 1 of UMDA-CF10 Undergraduate Integrated Natural Sciences (MSci)