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HR909-60 Project/Work Placement/Dissertation

Life Sciences
Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Richard Napier
Credit value
Module duration
16 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

The project is a stand-alone component of the MSc allowing the Student to experience, first hand, research skills, hypothesis development, hypothesis testing, data collection, data handling, data evaluation and result presentation.

Module web page

Module aims

As part of the project the student will present and discuss plans, data and outputs with group members and supervisor. The topic will relate to knowledge gained during the taught modules and be an opportunity to exploit
both this knowledge and the core skills developed during the course. The problem will be relevant to current and developing research programmes or work practices and will make a contribution to the ongoing operation of the host group.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

Students will have the choice of a lab-based research project, a dissertation based on work
relevant to the MSc or a work placement. Numbers to lab-based work and placements may be
limited by availability.
For lab-based projects students will choose projects from a list of ongoing departmental research programmes. The student will have a discrete project and, after appropriate training, be involved in design, analysis and execution of all appropriate experimental work. The student will write the project up as a thesis. Supervisors on lab-based projects will be responsible on a day-to-day basis for instruction and training.
For placements, the student will undertake to work to a project plan agreed with a line-manager and supervisor, collecting experience, examples, data, viewpoints etc. as a dataset to include in a placement thesis. On placements, day-to-day responsibility will be held by the local line-manager who will liaise regularly with a placement supervisor in the department. The departmental supervisor may also visit the placement and talk to all parties during its duration. For those choosing a dissertation, a supervisor will set (or a student may select and agree) a suitable topic for research and introduce the student to appropriate sources of information, analysis and interpretation.
The project represents 3 months enquiry and data collection, one month thesis write-up. Students will prepare and deliver a short seminar on their project in month 4.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • By the end of the module the student should have an advanced and critical knowledge of a selected aspect of a topic related to the degree.
  • By the end of the module the student should be able to communicate contemporary practice and discuss critically relevant practices and achievements. Presentation of a reasoned argument or experimental plan is expected.
  • By the end of the module the student should be able to recognise, suggest and exploit appropriate strategies.
  • By the end of the module the student should be able to collect and analyse data and use it to help solve commodity problems.
Research element

Research project

Subject specific skills

By the end of the module the student should be able to collect and analyse data and use it to help solve commodity problems.

Transferable skills

Communicate contemporary practice and discuss critically relevant practices and achievements. Present a reasoned argument or experimental plan.

Study time

Type Required
Project supervision 6 sessions of 1 hour (1%)
Private study 594 hours (99%)
Total 600 hours
Private study description



No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Students can register for this module without taking any assessment.

Assessment group A3
Weighting Study time
Research Performance 16%

Research performance mark awarded by project supervisor based on supervisor assessment of performance through project.

Seminar 20% 30 hours

Seminar presentation. Maximum duration time to include questions.

Written Report 64% 120 hours

15000 words dissertation or 6000 words formatted scientific journal article.

Feedback on assessment

Assessors write a commentary on each element of the written component and all comments are presented to the student on via Moodle. \r\n\r\nAssessor record and feedback forms are collated after the seminar component and all comments are presented to the student on via Moodle. \r\n


This module is Core for:

  • Year 1 of THRA-D4A1 Postgraduate Taught Environmental Bioscience in a Changing Climate
  • THRA-D4A3 Postgraduate Taught Food Security
    • Year 1 of D4A3 Food Security
    • Year 1 of D4A3 Food Security
  • Year 1 of THRA-D4A2 Postgraduate Taught Sustainable Crop Production: Agronomy for the 21st Century