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AT909-30 Technology Enhanced Learning - Theory and Application

Academic Development Centre
Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Jessica Humphreys
Credit value
Module duration
35 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

AP909-30 Technology Enhanced Learning - Theory and Application

Module web page

Module aims

The main aims of the module are to equip the learner with:

  • a conceptual and practical understanding of technology enhanced learning;
  • skills and abilities in the use of technology enhanced learning through design, implementation and evaluation of a teaching and learning project;
  • a research based approach to the development of teaching and learning activities, drawing on relevant theoretical frameworks;
  • open and positive attitudes towards opportunities for continuing professional development in which they can identify and work towards their own professional goals;
  • approaches for embedding technology enhanced learning effectively into a wide range of learning activities including assessment and feedback across the institution, and to evaluate and disseminate the outcomes of these interventions; and
  • an understanding of the Higher Education Academy UK Professional Standards Framework (HEA UK PSF), allowing them to align their practice to descriptor 2 and achieve Fellowship of the HEA (FHEA).
Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

The general themes that will be covered include pedagogic theory and application of technology enhanced learning. The course is research led and therefore participants will also be able to develop their research methods. The online element will provide an insight into bite-sized topics that will help to provide some further wider context to the projects that are undertaken.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Conduct a review of technology in learning and teaching showing an informed awareness of current debates and issues around technology enhanced learning in higher education, including how accessibility and inclusivity underpin academic and/or professional practice. (A1, K2, K4, V1, V2, V3, V4)
  • Critically analyse opportunities and constraints in using technology to support learning, showing an awareness of ideas and theories around effective pedagogical application of technology enhanced learning. (A1, A4, K1*, K2, K4, V1, V3)
  • Design a learning resource or learning activity integrating appropriate information and/or communications technology. (A1, K1*, K2, K4, V1, V2 V3)
  • Plan and implement a strategy to incorporate a learning resource or activity (using appropriate technology) in their teaching. (A1, A4, K2, K4, V1, V3)
  • Evaluate a technology enhanced learning intervention, its impact and their own performance with consideration of the existing evidence base. (A4, A5, K2, K4, K5, V3, V4)
  • Engage in reflective dialogue with colleagues and disseminate their project findings. (A5, K1*, K2, K4, V3)
  • Review, plan and undertake appropriate actions related to their own continuing professional development. (A5, K2, K4, K5, V3, V4)
  • align their practice to descriptor 2 of the HEA UK PSF.
Indicative reading list
  • Beetham, H. & Sharpe, R. (2007) Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age. London; New York:
    Routledge. (E-book)
  • de Freitas, S. & Jameson, J. (2012) The e-learning reader. London; New York: Continuum.
  • Ferrell, G. Smith, R. & Knight, S. (2018) Designing learning and assessment in a digital age. London: JISC (Online resource)
  • Salmon, G. (2011) E-moderating: the key to teaching and learning online. London: Kogan Page. (E-book)
  • Selwyn, N. (2017) Education and technology: key issues and debates. London: Continuum.
  • Weller, M. (2011). The digital scholar: how technology is changing scholarly practice. London: Bloomsbury.

View reading list on Talis Aspire

Research element

There is an element of research within this module as students are producers and will develop their own project providing a sound evidence base for the approaches undertaken.


Participants will be staff from across different disciplines at Warwick. There will be an opportunity to share experiences around technology enhanced learning with each other and discuss different approaches to technology enhanced learning across the institution.

Subject specific skills

Increased understanding of digital pedagogy and the development of a project through a design thinking process. This is a project based course that focuses on the development of a technology enhanced learning intervention from the initial concept, through to planning, creation, implementation, evaluation and dissemination. There will be an opportunity to explore current educational theory and consider the role of technology within the student's own individual context.

Transferable skills

This course focuses on the development of a work-based project and there is scope to develop project management experience, co-design and collaboration with colleagues from across the institution.

Study time

Type Required Optional
Seminars 4 sessions of 5 hours (7%) 1 session of 5 hours
Project supervision 3 sessions of 1 hour (1%) 2 sessions of 1 hour
Work-based learning 15 sessions of 1 hour (5%)
Online learning (scheduled sessions) 3 sessions of 3 hours (3%)
Online learning (independent) 1 session of 3 hours (1%) 2 sessions of 1 hour
Private study 250 hours (83%)
Total 300 hours
Private study description

Private Study 250 hours - this will be the development of a work-based project from initial concept through to the design, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of a technology enhanced intervention. There will also be an element of research to consider the scholarly literature to support the rationale and development of the project and to consider when analysing the evaluation. This time will also be for the development of different components of assessment and to consider how to develop the project further in the future.


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You must pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A
Weighting Study time
Presentation 30%

Presentation (20 mins) to peers – based on the project that has been undertaken as part of the course participants will be asked to present to peers their planning, implementation, evaluation and critical analysis of the project. There will be an opportunity for peers to ask questions and provide some feedback on where the project could go next. Two examiners will be present in the room to assess that the core assessment criteria is met.

Reflective Account 30%

Reflective account (1500 words) – participants will be asked to submit a reflective overview on their experiences with the project. This submission will be several weeks after the assessed presentation. The focus of this piece of work will be on professional values. For example consideration of inclusive approaches and encouragement of participation in HE. Engagement with the literature will provide a wider context in which the project is based.

Case Study 40%

The focus of the case study will be on critical reflection of the project and how the project links to assessment and feedback. Further analysis of evaluation is also a requirement for the case study – how has the project impacted upon the wider practice within teaching and learning? Participants will need to consider the following points:

  • An overview of the project – placing it into wider context and demonstrating how the project fits in with the existing research on the area.
  • An evaluation of the approach that was undertaken.
  • A discussion of the findings and the implications that they may have on future practice.

Written work will be submitted via Moodle and turnitin. Participants will be notified of this upon enrolment to the programme.

Feedback on assessment

Formative feedback will be provided throughout the course. There will be several online activities \r\nthat will need to be completed as part of the course. These activities include: \r\n· The development of a project plan shared online via a designated forum and peer review a \r\nfellow participants plan. \r\n· Exploration of the literature ¿ share an article with colleagues and invite comments again via \r\nan online discussion forum. \r\n· The development of an evaluation strategy disseminated online through a medium of choice. \r\n(video, image, prose etc.) \r\n· Writing Retreats and Presentation `clinics¿ ¿ opportunity to gain peer feedback upon the \r\npresentation of their project in preparation for the presentation assessment. Also an \r\nopportunity to ask questions and receive formative feedback on the written element of the \r\nassessment. \r\n\r\nIndividual formative feedback will be provided to participants as required to ensure learning \r\noutcomes and course expectations and standards are being met. \r\n\r\nWritten feedback from the assessors is provided on the presentation and reflective account \r\npending confirmation from the departmental exam board.


This module is Core for:

  • Year 1 of TAPS-X5PD Postgraduate Award in Technology Enhanced Learning (Theory and Application)