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WM909-15 Financial Analysis & Control Systems

Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Lee Griffin
Credit value
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

This module is the first of two finance modules. It aims to provide a basic understanding of financial management of a business, developing on that to give students the ability to analyse critically the financial data produced by a business, and relate this to the underlying operations of the business.

Module aims

This module is the first of two finance modules. It aims to provide a basic understanding of financial management of a business, developing on that to give students the ability to analyse critically the financial data produced by a business, and relate this to the underlying operations of the business.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

-Control of business resources.
-Financial reports.

  • the balance sheet.
  • assessment and reporting of profit.
  • cash flow statements.
    -Structured approach to ratio analysis and its interpretation
    -Cash flow - its control and implications to the business.
    -Profit/volume relationships and the calculation and interpretation of performance indicators, including contribution
    Costing and techniques to ascertain, recover and control costs.
    Budgetary control systems and techniques.
    Capital expenditure evaluation and financial evaluation of projects including net present value.
    Evaluation of different sources of finance available to business
Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • 1. Interpret the basic business accounting statements
  • 2. Differentiate between the different methods of measuring financial performance within a business
  • 3. Critically analyse financial data to generate further information
  • 4. Provide a critical interpretation of the relationship between the operational performance of a business and the financial measures of the business
  • 5. Critically appraise the financing decisions made by business
Indicative reading list

Atrill, P, and McLaney, E., (2017) Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, Tenth Edition Harlow, England: Pearson.
Bamber, M., and Parry, S., (2018) Accounting and Finance for Managers, Second edition London: KoganPage.
Dyson, J.R.,(2010) Accounting for Non-Accounting Students, Eighth edition, Harlow, England: FT Prentice Hall.
McKenzie, W, (2010) FT Guide to Using and Interpreting Company Accounts, Harlow, England: FT Prentice Hall.

Subject specific skills

Financial accounts analysis, basic accounting, costing, budgeting, project financial appraisal

Transferable skills

Teamwork, communication, numeracy, negotiation

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 25 sessions of 1 hour (36%)
Practical classes 15 sessions of 1 hour (21%)
Other activity 30 hours (43%)
Total 70 hours
Private study description

No private study requirements defined for this module.

Other activity description

Pre-module learning activities: 10 hours
Post-module directed reading: 20 hours


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A2
Weighting Study time
Assessed work as specified by department 100% 80 hours

30% In-module presentation
70% Post module assignment (3500 words)

Assessment group R
Weighting Study time
Assessed work as specified by department 100%

100% Assignment

Feedback on assessment

Written feedback for In-module presentation and PMA will be provided


This module is Core for:

  • EWMS-H1B3 Postgraduate Taught Managing in Technology Based Industries (Degree Apprenticeship)
    • Year 1 of H1B4 Managing in Technology Based Industries
    • Year 1 of H1B4 Managing in Technology Based Industries
    • Year 1 of H1B3 Managing in Technology Based Industries (DA)
  • Year 1 of EWMS-H7BJ Postgraduate Taught Supply Chain and Logistics Management (Degree Apprenticeship)
  • TBC MSc Engineering Business Management (Degree Apprenticeship route)