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MD4A1-90 Integrated Science Research Project

Warwick Medical School
Taught Postgraduate Level
Module leader
Andrew McAinsh
Credit value
Module duration
24 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry

Introductory description

MD4A1-90 - Integrated Science Research Project

Module aims

The module aims to enable students to perform original high quality research at the forefront of a field and be exposed to a cutting edge research environment.
To develop students’ ability to produce and communicate a substantial, independent piece of work drawing on skills from at least two disciplines.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

To undertake a scientific research project in a laboratory environment incorporating the following aspects:

  • Experimental Design
  • Execution of experimental protocols
  • Keeping records of methods, data and other observations in laboratory notebooks
  • Quantitative analysis of data
  • Reporting and interpreting research data

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Independently formulate a scientific hypothesis and demonstrate advanced skills in designing, planning and executing experiments to test the hypothesis.
  • Integrate methods and thinking from different disciplines as applied to their project work.
  • Produce and communicate an extended critical appraisal of the current scientific literature to evaluate the limitations of research evidence
  • Demonstrate advanced skills in data interpretation and critical appraisal to relate results to the scientific literature.
  • Write in the format of an academic article for an appropriate scientific journal and present work orally in the format of a seminar-style presentation

Indicative reading list

Each project will focus on a different research question. Therefore, bibliography is not specified as it will depend on the topic and nature of the research project and will be guided by the allocated supervisor who will provide students with an appropriate list of reviews and original research manuscripts.

For general working in the lab we recommend reading:

At the Bench: A Laboratory Navigator, Updated Edition
By Kathy Barker, The Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle
© 2005 • 465 pp., illus., appendices, index
ISBN 978-087969708-2

Subject specific skills

Independently formulate a scientific hypothesis and demonstrate advanced skills in designing, planning and executing experiments to test the hypothesis.

Transferable skills

Integrate methods and thinking from different disciplines as applied to their project work.
Produce and communicate an extended critical appraisal of the current scientific literature to evaluate the limitations of research evidence.
Demonstrate advanced skills in data interpretation and critical appraisal to relate results to the scientific literature.
Write in the format of an academic article for an appropriate scientific journal and present work orally in the format of a seminar-style presentation

Study time

Type Required
Seminars 24 sessions of 3 hours (8%)
Project supervision 24 sessions of 1 hour (3%)
Supervised practical classes 24 sessions of 4 hours (11%)
Private study 708 hours (79%)
Total 900 hours

Private study description

Self-directed study and laboratory research: 708 hours


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Structured Dissertation 80% Yes (extension)
Reassessment component is the same
Assessment component
Oral Presentation 20% Yes (extension)

Oral presentation

Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment

Students will be offered formative feedback from the laboratory supervisor throughout the project. The written dissertation and oral presentation will be marked using standardised rubrics, which will provide feedback to the students (including individualised feedback) in line with WMS assessment criteria (including submission to Plagiarism software). Further verbal feedback will be available to students on request.


This module is Core for:

  • Masters in Integrated science (MIntSci)