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MD3B3-30 Advanced cases in health and medical sciences

Warwick Medical School
Undergraduate Level 3
Module leader
David Davies
Credit value
Module duration
6 weeks
100% coursework
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry

Introductory description

MD3B3-30 - Advanced cases in health and medical sciences

Module web page

Module aims

To enable an in-depth investigation of complex local and global health problems faced by individuals and society. Students will acquire skills in independent analytical thinking and reflective judgment by reading and discussing complex, real-life cases.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

Students will investigate three advanced contemporary cases, spending two weeks per case, the three
cases will cover complex global and local health problems, for example slum health and double burden of
health conditions and diseases. The cases will integrate and expand on the areas covered in years 1 and 2.
This module will further engage students in transdisciplinary approach to problem solving, providing the
students with unique opportunities to practice their holistic approaches to investigating problems in

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • To critically consider evidence pertaining to complex interrelated realworld challenges in health and medical sciences
  • To evidence responsible and judicious strategic decision making through well-established reasoning skills
  • To design learning materials which aim to advance knowledge of health problems faced by individuals and society
  • To develop and use strategic planning and reasoning skills to engage with others to individually or collectively put forward innovative ideas that can have a positive influence on unpredictable local and global challenges in health

Indicative reading list

. Scambler G. (2008) Sociology as applied to medicine. 6th edition. Saunders Ltd.
2. Watts et al. (2018) The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: from 25 years of inaction
to a global transformation for public health. Lancet. 391(10120): 581-630.
3. Paavola J. (2017) Health impacts of climate change and health and social inequalities in the UK.
Environ Health. 16(Suppl 1): 113.
4. Hope et al., (2008) Medical ethics and the law: the core curriculum. 2nd edition. Edinburgh:
Churchill Livingstone.
5. Nicholl D.S.T. (2008) An introduction to genetic engineering. 3rd edition. Cambridge University
6. Caleyachetty et al. (2018) The double burden of malnutrition among adolescents: analysis of data
from the Global School-Based Student Health and Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children
surveys in 57 low- and middle-income countries. Am J Clin Nutr. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqy105.

Subject specific skills

Enable to critically consider evidence pertaining to complex interrelated real-world challenges in health and medical sciences.

Transferable skills

The transferable skills gained from the completion of this module include, discipline-specific knowledge, ability to gather and interpret information, ability to analyze data, oral communication skills, ability to make decisions and solve problems, written communication skills, ability to learn quickly, ability to manage a project, and creativity/innovative thinking.

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 6 sessions of 1 hour (2%)
Seminars 24 sessions of 1 hour (8%)
Other activity 12 hours (4%)
Private study 258 hours (86%)
Total 300 hours

Private study description

Students would be expected to engage in 258 hours of self-directed learning outside other learning and teaching activities outlined above.

Other activity description

Technology enhanced learning, including the use of online interactive
presentations and videos, quizzes (12 hours)


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group A
Weighting Study time Eligible for self-certification
Assessment component
Strategy document 50% Yes (extension)
  • Formative assessment: mid-module submission of draft for feedback on
    style and structure (500 words)
  • Summative assessment: submission of strategy document at start of term
    2 (2500 words)
Reassessment component is the same
Assessment component
Creation of case-based learning materials 50% Yes (extension)

Summative assessment: to submit at the start of term 2 (2500 words)

  • This summative assessment does not have a formative assessment as
    students have sufficiently practice CBL and have encountered ample of
    case material. We will encourage the students to refer back to all their
    resources on CBL from the past three years.
Reassessment component is the same
Feedback on assessment

The strategy document and creation of case-based learning materials will be marked using standardised rubrics, which will provide feedback to the students (including individualised feedback) in line with WMS assessment criteria (including submission to Plagiarism software). Further verbal feedback will be available to students on request. Every student who fails an element of assessment exam will be offered an appointment for face to face feedback.


This module is Core for:

  • UMDA-B990 Undergraduate Health and Medical Sciences
    • Year 3 of B990 Health and Medical Sciences
    • Year 3 of B990 Health and Medical Sciences
    • Year 3 of B990 Health and Medical Sciences