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IB269-15 Consumer Behaviour

Warwick Business School
Undergraduate Level 2
Module leader
Miaolei Jia
Credit value
Module duration
10 weeks
30% coursework, 70% exam
Study location
University of Warwick main campus, Coventry
Introductory description

The study of Consumer Behaviour is fundamental to the discipline of Marketing.
Understanding consumer behaviour is essential for marketers as it helps them understand why individuals act in certain ways, identify what individuals want (products, services, attributes, associations), how they want to be spoken to (communicate/learn) and influence behaviour in certain situations. An understanding of the psychological processes involved in decision-making and the various influences on these processes enable markers to develop effective strategies and managerially useful analyses.
This course enables the students of marketing to examine in greater depth issues raised in the introductory marketing module. This module will provide students with an understanding of the crucial importance of understanding the psychology of consumers for company success. Students will be able to critically examine critical issues in consumer behaviour and apply the theories and principles of consumer behaviour in a practical context.

Module web page

Module aims

The study of Consumer Behaviour is fundamental to the discipline of Marketing.
Understanding consumer behaviour is essential for marketers as it helps them understand why individuals act in certain ways, identify what individuals want (products, services, attributes, associations), how they want to be spoken to (communicate/learn) and influence behaviour in certain situations. An understanding of the psychological processes involved in decision-making and the various influences on these processes enable markers to develop effective strategies and managerially useful analyses.
This course enables the students of marketing to examine in greater depth issues raised in the introductory marketing module. This module will provide students with an understanding of the crucial importance of understanding the psychology of consumers for company success. Students will be able to critically examine critical issues in consumer behaviour and apply the theories and principles of consumer behaviour in a practical context.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

  • The Consumer Decision Making Process
  • “Nudging” Consumers
  • Emotions and Decision Making
  • Consumer Motives and Values
  • Consumer Response to Marketing Actions
  • Exposure, Attention, Perception
  • Learning and Attitudes
  • Customer Loyalty and Customer Experience
  • Social and Group Aspects of Consumer Behaviour
  • Social Norms and Conspicuous Consumption
  • Culture and Sub-Culture
  • Consumer Misbehaviour and Consumer Research
Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Define key Consumer Behaviour concepts, models and theories.
  • Articulate major concepts and research in specific Marketing, Economic, and Psychology areas, which have relevance to Consumer Behaviour
  • Demonstrate how knowledge of consumer behaviour can be applied to Marketing
Indicative reading list

Evans, Jamal and Foxall (2009) "Consumer Behaviour", Wiley or equivalent

Subject specific skills
  • Assess why it is essential for companies to understand Consumer Behaviour and how it influences strategic
  • Identify examples of how marketers use their knowledge of consumer behaviour in their marketing strategies.
  • Critically evaluate the applications of Consumer Behaviour evident in current practice.
Transferable skills
  • Communicate complex ideas and arguments in writing
  • Report information in a professional manner.
  • Work in groups to prepare a professional, logical and coherent video submission on a Consumer Behaviour
    issue in a professional and engaging manner

Study time

Type Required
Lectures 10 sessions of 2 hours (13%)
Seminars 9 sessions of 1 hour (6%)
Private study 48 hours (32%)
Assessment 73 hours (49%)
Total 150 hours
Private study description

Preparation for Lectures and seminars


No further costs have been identified for this module.

You do not need to pass all assessment components to pass the module.

Assessment group D1
Weighting Study time
Group Presentation 30% 22 hours

Group Presentation (video)

Online Examination 70% 51 hours


~Platforms - AEP

  • Online examination: No Answerbook required
Feedback on assessment


Past exam papers for IB269


To take this module, you must have passed:


This module is Optional for:

  • UIBA-N20B BSc in Management
    • Year 2 of N20B Management
    • Year 2 of N20B Management
    • Year 2 of N23K Management with Accounting
    • Year 2 of N234 Management with Digital Business
    • Year 2 of N235 Management with Entrepreneurship
    • Year 2 of N232 Management with Finance
    • Year 2 of N252 Management with Marketing
    • Year 2 of N23L Management with Strategy and Organisation
  • Year 3 of UCSA-I1N1 Undergraduate Computer Science with Business Studies
  • Year 4 of UCSA-I1NA Undergraduate Computer Science with Business Studies (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 1 of UIOA-EEU Undergraduate EU Exchange
  • Year 1 of UIOA-VEU Undergraduate EU Visiting
  • Year 1 of UIOA-ESO Undergraduate European Exchange
  • Year 2 of UGEA-RN21 Undergraduate German and Business Studies
  • UIPA-L8N1 Undergraduate Global Sustainable Development and Business
    • Year 2 of L8N1 Global Sustainable Development and Business Studies
    • Year 2 of L8N1 Global Sustainable Development and Business Studies
  • Year 2 of UIBA-N1RA Undergraduate International Business with French
  • Year 2 of UIBA-N1RB Undergraduate International Business with German
  • Year 2 of UIBA-N1RC Undergraduate International Business with Italian
  • Year 2 of UIBA-N1RD Undergraduate International Business with Spanish
  • UIBA-N20F Undergraduate International Management
    • Year 2 of N20F International Management
    • Year 2 of N20F International Management
    • Year 2 of N20S International Management (with Accounting)
    • Year 2 of N20T International Management (with Chinese)
    • Year 2 of N20P International Management (with Entrepreneurship)
    • Year 2 of N20M International Management (with Finance)
    • Year 2 of N20U International Management (with French)
    • Year 2 of N20L International Management (with Marketing)
    • Year 2 of N20V International Management (with Spanish)
    • Year 2 of N20W International Management (with Strategy and Organisation)
    • Year 2 of N20N International Management with Digital Business
    • Year 2 of N20E Management (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 2 of N234 Management with Digital Business
  • Year 2 of UIBA-MN3A Undergraduate Law and Business Studies
  • UIBA-N20E Undergraduate Management (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 3 of N20E Management (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 3 of N23N Management with Accounting (with Foundation Year and Placement Year)
    • Year 3 of N23M Management with Accounting (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 3 of N23E Management with Digital Business (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 3 of N23F Management with Entrepreneurship (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 3 of N23D Management with Finance (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 3 of N252 Management with Marketing
    • Year 3 of N254 Management with Marketing (with Foundation Year)
    • Year 3 of N23P Management with Strategy and Organisation (with Foundation Year)
  • Year 3 of UMAA-G1N4 Undergraduate Mathematics with Business Studies
  • Year 4 of UMAA-G1N5 Undergraduate Mathematics with Business Studies (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 4 of UPXA-F3ND Undergraduate Physics and Business Studies (with Intercalated Year)
  • Year 3 of UPXA-F3N2 Undergraduate Physics with Business Studies
  • Year 1 of UIOA-EUS Undergraduate USA Exchange