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Welcome to the module catalogue at Warwick. Here you can browse all the modules we’re currently running, search for modules containing a particular word or phrase, or check the details of a module as it was in previous years.

Modules are the building blocks of a course, often running for about a single academic term. Module content and availability may change until the start of summer term of the preceding year.

Module Dept Assessment
SO240-15 (20/21) Commercial Cultures in Global Capitalism Sociology 100% coursework
SO249-15 (21/22) Becoming Yourself: The Construction of the Self in Contemporary Western Societies Sociology 100% coursework
SO254-15 (21/22) Media, Audiences and Social Change Sociology 100% coursework
SO256-15 (20/21) Gender, Crime and Justice Sociology 100% coursework
SO257-120 (20/21) Study Year Abroad Sociology 100% coursework
SO260-15 (23/24) Beyond the Binary: Trans-forming Gender Sociology 100% coursework
SO261-15 (20/21) Gender and Violence Sociology 100% coursework
SO264-15 (24/25) Powerful Feelings: Emotion as Social and Political Sociology 100% coursework
SO2G6-15 (21/22) Environmental Sociology Sociology 100% coursework
SO2G6-15 (23/24) Environmental Sociology Sociology 100% coursework
SO2G8-15 (23/24) Policing and Society Sociology 100% coursework
SO2H1-15 (24/25) Contention, Conflict, and Climate Change Sociology 100% coursework
SO240-15 (21/22) Commercial Cultures in Global Capitalism Sociology 100% coursework
SO240-15 (23/24) Commercial Cultures in Global Capitalism Sociology 100% coursework
SO241-15 (21/22) Political Sociology Sociology 100% coursework
SO241-15 (23/24) Political Sociology Sociology 100% coursework
SO242-15 (24/25) Designing and Conducting Social Research Sociology 100% coursework
SO242-15 (20/21) Designing and Conducting Social Research Sociology 100% coursework
SO243-15 (22/23) Practice and Interpretation of Quantitative Methods Sociology 100% coursework
SO244-15 (24/25) Educational Inequalities Sociology 100% coursework
SO244-15 (20/21) Educational Inequalities Sociology 100% coursework
SO247-15 (23/24) Relationship and Family Change: Demographic and Sociological Perspectives Sociology 100% coursework
SO247-15 (24/25) Relationship and Family Change: Demographic and Sociological Perspectives Sociology 100% coursework
SO256-15 (22/23) Gender, Race and Sexualities in the Criminal Justice System: Policy and Practice Sociology 100% coursework
SO256-15 (24/25) Gender, Race and Sexualities in the Criminal Justice System: Policy and Practice Sociology 100% coursework
SO258-15 (21/22) Surveillance and Security:Race, Class and Gender Sociology 50% coursework, 50% exam
SO258-15 (22/23) Surveillance and Security:Race, Class and Gender Sociology 50% coursework, 50% exam
SO258-15 (23/24) Surveillance and Security:Race, Class and Gender Sociology 25% coursework, 75% exam
SO258-15 (24/25) Surveillance and Security:Race, Class and Gender Sociology 25% coursework, 75% exam
SO260-15 (21/22) Beyond the Binary: Trans-forming Gender Sociology 100% coursework
SO260-15 (22/23) Beyond the Binary: Trans-forming Gender Sociology 100% coursework
SO261-15 (21/22) Gender and Violence Sociology 100% coursework
SO265-15 (23/24) Youth, Crime and Criminal Justice Sociology Multiple
SO265-15 (24/25) Youth, Crime and Criminal Justice Sociology Multiple
SO2G6-15 (24/25) Environmental Sociology Sociology 100% coursework
SO2G7-15 (21/22) Multivariate Secondary Analysis of Social Data Sociology 100% coursework
SO2G8-15 (22/23) Policing and Society Sociology 100% coursework
SO2H2-15 (24/25) Mobility in the Digital Age Sociology 100% coursework
SO240-15 (22/23) Commercial Cultures in Global Capitalism Sociology 100% coursework
SO240-15 (24/25) Commercial Cultures in Global Capitalism Sociology 100% coursework
SO242-15 (21/22) Designing and Conducting Social Research Sociology 100% coursework
SO243-15 (23/24) Practice and Interpretation of Quantitative Methods Sociology 100% coursework
SO243-15 (24/25) Practice and Interpretation of Quantitative Methods Sociology 100% coursework
SO244-15 (21/22) Educational Inequalities Sociology 100% coursework
SO245-15 (20/21) Modern Social Theory Sociology 100% coursework
SO247-15 (20/21) Relationship and Family Change: Demographic and Sociological Perspectives Sociology 100% coursework
SO249-15 (24/25) Becoming Yourself: The Construction of the Self in Contemporary Western Societies Sociology 100% coursework
SO254-15 (22/23) Media, Audiences and Social Change Sociology 100% coursework
SO254-15 (23/24) Media, Audiences and Social Change Sociology 100% coursework
SO254-15 (24/25) Media, Audiences and Social Change Sociology 100% coursework